Cash Flow Forecast Columns

The Cash Flow Forecast report contains a standard set of columns. You do not have the option to select columns for this report.

The header at the top of the report contains the following information:

  • Average Collection Days
  • Average Payment Days
  • Budget names
  • Organizations


Column Description
Increase/decrease in accounts receivable Year-to-Date and This Period: The Increase/decrease in accounts receivable row displays inflow of cash.

These amounts are the sum of cash receipts (CR transaction type) posted to the AR accounts specified on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form (Settings > Accounting > Accounts Receivable).

Future periods: The future calculations are based on budgeted revenue and the average collection period. The budgeted revenue is based on the General Ledger budget amounts for revenue accounts specified in invoice mapping. DPS calculates the average collection period based on the Accounts Receivable Ledger. (You can override this value on the General tab.) DPS then calculates the future period as a piece of the budget in the relevant months based on the collection period.

Example: Future amounts calculation for the first future period after the current period of April. The collection period is 36 days.

24/30 of the revenue budget for March plus + 6/30 of the revenue budget for February

The result of this calculation is the first future period amount. The next future period amount is calculated similarly.

If budgeted revenue is a credit balance, this row displays positive amounts to show an inflow of cash.

Increase/decrease in accounts payable Year-to-Date and This Period: The Increase/decrease in accounts payable row displays outflow of cash for AP.

These amounts are the sum of payment processing transactions (PP transaction type) posted to the accounts specified on the Liability Codes tab of the Company AP Configuration form (Settings > Accounting > Company AP).

Future Periods: The future calculations are based on budgeted reimbursable, direct, and indirect expenses in conjunction with average payment terms. This includes all expense accounts except Labor Types accounts (labor accounts), Time Analysis accounts (labor accounts), the Job Cost Variance account, and Other Charges and Revenue accounts. Average payment terms are based on the Accounts Payable Voucher report. (You can override this value on the General tab.) DPS then calculates the future period as a piece of the budget based on the average payment terms.

Example: Future amounts calculation for the first future period after the current period of April. The collection period is 26 days.

4/30 of the expense budget for April + 26/30 of the expense budget for March

The result of this calculation is the first future period amount. The next future period amount is calculated similarly.

This row displays a negative amount using parentheses to show outflow of cash.

Increase/decrease in salary cost Year-to-Date and This Period: This row displays outflow of cash for salaries. For actual amounts, this is the gross salary expense.

These amounts are the sum of amounts posted to the following accounts:

  • Direct and indirect expense accounts specified on the Labor Types form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > Labor Types).
  • Accounts specified on the Time Analysis Setup tab of the Time Analysis and Absence Accrual form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis).
  • Labor expense credit account assigned on the Posting tab of the Accounting Company Settings form (Settings > Accounting > Company).

Future periods: For future columns, this is the expected salary expense based on labor budgets. DPS calculates the budgets from the general ledger budgets for the set of accounts used to calculate the year-to-date and current period amounts.

The Increase/decrease in salary cost row displays both actual and future amounts as negative amounts using parentheses to show outflow of cash.

Other Changes in Cash Year-to-Date and This Period: This row displays changes in cash other than those reflected in the inflow and outflow amounts described above.

These amounts are the sum of transaction amounts posted to the bank code accounts specified on the Bank Codes form (Settings > Accounting > Banks), excluding any amounts already included in either the inflow or outflow amounts.

This row does not show future amounts.

Net Cash This row displays the difference after subtracting cash outflow from cash Inflow and the value for the Other Changes in Cash column. Net Cash includes all mapped bank code accounts for actual amounts. For future amounts, it shows the total of all future periods.