Favorite Reports

If you apply report options and selection criteria to a report, DPS retains those settings for the report only until you log out. The next time that you log in, DPS again applies your default settings to the report. If you design a report format that you want to use again, save it as a favorite report. When you run a favorite report, you do not need to specify the options each time.

Favorite reports are created in Reporting of the DPS desktop application. When you create a favorite, DPS saves the following as part of the favorite definition:

  • Current report options on all options tabs.
  • Current record selection criteria.
  • Report language (if you use multiple languages).

You can create more than one favorite version of any report.

For example, you might save two favorites for the Office Earnings report. The first favorite could provide a consolidated firmwide view, while the second favorite could display maximum detail by organization.

When you create a favorite, DPS adds the favorite in:
  • the Favorite Reports system dashpart in My Stuff > Dashboards of the browser application if the Favorite Reports system dashpart is included in your dashboard,
  • My Stuff > Favorite Reports of the browser application,
  • the list of available favorite reports when you create the Report system dashpart on the Dashboard of the desktop application.
The Favorite Reports system dashpart in My Stuff > Dashboards and My Stuff > Favorite Reports in the browser application displays all the favorite reports that you created and all global favorite reports. If you click for a corresponding favorite report, DPS previews the report in the a new browser tab. From there, you can view and print the report. For the desktop application, click the favorite report in the list displayed in the Report system dashpart to preview the report in a new window where you have the option to print the report.

Creating and Saving Favorites

The procedures that you can use to create and save favorites depend on the setting for your security role in Favorites Organizing on the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).

The available settings are as follows:

  • Save Personal Only: You can create, modify, save, or delete only your personal favorites.
  • Save for My Role: You can create, modify, save, or delete personal favorites, and you can also save favorites for use by co-workers who share your security role.
  • Save for All Roles: You can create, modify, save, or delete personal favorites, favorites for use by co-workers who share your security role, and global favorites for all Reporting users.

Reports and Multiple Languages

If you use multiple languages, you specify the language you want to use each time that you log in to DPS. If you create a favorite report, DPS saves that language as part of the report characteristics. As a result, each time you or another person uses that favorite, DPS generates the report in that language, even if the person who generates it is currently logged in with a different language.

Because each favorite is associated with a specific language, make sure that you log in with the language you want before you create a favorite. For the same reason, if you need to make changes to a favorite, be sure you log in with the language for which you created it. If you do not, DPS sets the language for the favorite to the active language for your current DPS session when you save your changes.

Standard reports, in contrast to favorites, are always generated in the language that you specified when you logged in for your current session, unless you generate the report using a saved set of options created for a different language.