Gains Losses and Revaluations Detail Report

If you use multiple currencies, you can use the Gains/Losses and Revaluations Detail report to review and audit gains and losses resulting from the Gains/Losses and Revaluations process.


For the period that you specify, the report shows the unrealized gains and losses calculated by the Gains/Losses and Revaluations process for unpaid foreign currency accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions and for foreign-denominated account balances.

In addition to the gain or loss amount in the functional currency, the report also displays the current account balance or transaction amount in the original currency and in the functional currency, the prior balance or transaction amount in the functional currency, and the exchange rate used to calculate the gain or loss.

The report does not include the following:

  • Realized gains and losses resulting from accounts payable payment processing or the posting of cash receipts for foreign currency accounts payable or accounts receivable transactions
  • Cash-basis entries for revaluation gains and losses for foreign-denominated accounts for which Update Cash Basis during Revaluation is selected on the General tab of the Accounts form (Settings > Accounting > Chart of Accounts).

Generate the Report

You can generate the Gains/Losses and Revaluations Detail report in the following ways:

  • Select it on the Accounting Reporting form (Reporting > Accounting).
  • Click Report on the toolbar in the Gains/Losses and Revaluations form (Accounting > Gains/Losses and Revaluations). On the Gains/Losses and Revaluations dialog box, select report options and click Apply.
  • Run the Gains/Losses and Revaluations process. When the Gains/Losses and Revaluations Detail dialog box opens automatically at the end of the process, select report options and click Apply. (If you run the Gains/Losses and Revaluations process as a scheduled process, this option to run the report immediately after the process is not available.)

Sorting and Grouping

At the highest level, this report is sorted and grouped into the following sections:

  • Foreign Denominated Accounts
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable

However, you can use the options under Report Sections to Include on the General tab of the Options dialog box to include or exclude each of these sections.

In addition, you can sort and group data within those sections based on the values in the following columns:

  • Transaction Currency
  • Project/Vendor Number (does not apply to the Foreign Denominated Accounts section)
  • Bank/Invoice/Voucher Number
  • Account
  • Post Period
  • Post Seq

Multiple Companies

If you are using multiple companies, only gains and losses for the active company are included in this report.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.