Intercompany Billing Detail Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

For each target company included on the report, the following information:

  • Target Company: The name of the target company. The target company is the company that owns the project charged for the labor or expenses.
  • Transfer Type: Labor or Expense.
  • Target Charge Type: The charge type for the project: regular, overhead, or promotional.
  • Totals: The report shows total by company, transfer type, and charge type.

If Labor Cost Rate/Amounts is not set to Full Access on the Accounting tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles), the report does not display the following cost-related columns: Cost, Journal Entry Amount, Transaction Currency Amount, Transaction Currency Exchange, Originating Company Cost amount, Originating Company Cost Exchange, Originating Company Journal Entry Amount, or Originating Company Journal Entry Exchange.


Field Description
Employee/Account This column displays either the identifier of the employee who charged time to a project owned by a company other than his home company, or the account number for an expense charged to another company.
Employee/Account Name This column displays the employee name or account name.
Target Project This column displays the number of the project to which the employee charged time or to which the expense is costed.
Target Phase This column displays the number of the phase to which the employee charged time or to which the expense is costed.
Target Task This column displays the number of the task to which the employee charged time or to which the expense is costed.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project charged for the labor or expense.

This column displays one of the following codes to indicate the rate method used for the transaction:

  • M: Multiplier
  • B: Billing Terms
  • R: Rate Table (labor rate table or expense rate table)
  • C: By Category (labor category table or expense category table)
  • L: By Labor Code (labor code table)
  • A: By Account (expense account table)
  • V: By Vendor (expense by vendor table)

If the transactions involved were reclassified from amounts in the Intercompany Suspense account to the appropriate Intercompany Accounts Receivable and Intercompany Accounts Payable accounts, this column displays NA (not applicable).

Hours For labor transactions, this column displays the number of hours charged to a project owned by a company other than the employee's home company.
Cost This column displays the target company's cost amount, in that company's functional currency, for the time or expense billed to it by the originating company.
Journal Entry Amount This column displays the markup amount billed to the target company for the time or expense, in the target company's functional currency.

If the Create Journal Entry option is selected on the labor and expense tabs of the Intercompany Billing Setup form, DPS uses this amount when you choose to move revenue and overhead between companies during Intercompany Billing.

Transaction Currency Amount If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the cost of the time or expense in the transaction currency of the original transaction.
Transaction Currency Exchange If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the exchange rate used to convert the originating company cost amount from that company's functional currency to the transaction currency of the original transaction. The Transaction Currency Amount column contains the result of the exchange. The Transaction Currency Exchange column also displays information about how DPS determined the exchange rate.
Originating Company Cost Amount If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the cost of the time or expense billed to the target company, in the originating company's functional currency.
Originating Company Cost Exchange If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the exchange rate used to convert the originating company's cost amount from that company's functional currency to the target company's functional currency. The Cost column contains the result of the exchange. The Originating Company Cost Exchange column also displays information about how DPS determined the exchange rate.
Originating Company Journal Entry Amount If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the markup amount (Originating Company Cost Amount X Multiplier) for the time or expense billed to the target company, in the originating company's functional currency.
Originating Company Journal Entry Exchange If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the exchange rate used to convert the originating company's journal entry amount from that company's functional currency to the target company's functional currency. The Journal Entry Amount column contains the result of the exchange. The Originating Company Journal Entry Exchange column also displays information about how DPS determined the exchange rate.
Rate Table If the rate method for the transaction was one of the billing rate table options, this column displays the billing rate table number.
Run Seq This column displays the sequence number assigned to the file during the Intercompany Billing process. For a draft run, this field contains Draft.
Run Date This column displays the date on which the Intercompany Billing process was run.
Run Description For a draft Intercompany Billing run, this field contains Draft Run.

For a final Intercompany Billing run, this field displays the description specified in Run Description on the General tab of the Intercompany Billing form in Accounting.

Post Seq For intercompany billing runs that have been posted, this column shows the posting sequence number that was assigned during the posting process.

DPS assigns 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period; 2 to the second group, and so on.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, click Transaction Center > Posting Review Report from the desktop application Navigation menu.

Post Period This column displays the accounting period during which the Intercompany Billing run was posted.
Transfer Type

This column displays the transfer type:

  • Labor
  • Expense
  • BS/Other: These transactions contain balance sheet or other charges accounts. They are not really expenses because they do not affect the Income Statement. For example, cash receipts may involve balance sheet (asset) accounts.
Reclass Only This Yes/No column indicates whether or not Reclass Intercompany Suspense as Receivable/Payable Only was selected on the labor and expense tabs of the Intercompany Billing Setup form. If it is, DPS moves amounts from one company to another through their accounts payable and accounts receivable ledgers.
Transfer Labor/Cost This Yes/No column indicates whether Create Labor Adjustment was selected on the labor tabs of the Intercompany Billing Setup form or Transfer Cost to Originating Company was selected on the expense tabs of that form.
Create Journal Entry This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the Create Journal Entry option was selected on the labor or expense tabs of the Intercompany Billing Setup form.

The source is one of the following:

  • P: Project
  • O: Organization
  • G: Global
  • C: Company journal entry override
  • NA: Not applicable (reclass only)
Charge Type

This column displays the charge type of the project being charged for the labor or expense.

  • R: Regular projects are projects that produce revenue. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense. DPS retains detail for the life of the project.
  • H: Overhead projects do not produce revenue. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. The total cost of these projects is distributed to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects can include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, or Civic Duty. When you initialize for a new fiscal year, DPS resets costs for overhead projects to zero.
  • P: Promotional projects track the cost of trying to acquire a job. If you obtain the contract, you can create a new regular project and transfer the detail to it to be billed or tracked. A promotional project is the same as an overhead project, with the following exception. DPS does not reset job-to-date costs to zero at the start of each fiscal year for promotional projects.
Multiplier This column displays the pricing multiplier applied to the transaction. The report shows a multiplier if one was specified in any of the following places:
  • Intercompany Billing tab of the Projects hub
  • Intercompany Billing tab of Individual Organization Settings
  • A labor or expense tab in Intercompany Billing Settings
Target Currency If you use multiple currencies, this column shows the functional currency of the project being charged for the labor or expense.