Labor Cross Charge Columns

The Labor Cross Charge report contains a standard set of columns. You do not have the option to select columns for this report.


Column Description
Charge Type This column displays the charge type of the project being charged for the labor or expense.
  • R: Regular projects are projects that produce revenue. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense. DPS retains detail for the life of the project.
  • H: Overhead projects do not produce revenue. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. The total cost of these projects is distributed to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects can include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, or Civic Duty. When you initialize for a new fiscal year, DPS resets costs for overhead projects to zero.
  • P: Promotional projects track the cost of trying to acquire a job. If you obtain the contract, you can create a new regular project and transfer the detail to it to be billed or tracked. A promotional project is the same as an overhead project, with the following exception. DPS does not reset job-to-date costs to zero at the start of each fiscal year for promotional projects.
Employee Number/Name This column displays the identification number and name of the employee who charged labor to the project.
Project This column displays the number of the project to which labor was charged.
Phase This column displays the identifier of the phase to which labor was charged.
Task This column displays the identifier of the task to which labor was charged.
Name This column displays the names of the project, phase, and task to which labor was charged.
Method/Source This column displays the method and source DPS uses in calculating the cross charge amount:
  • M/G: The multiplier from the Cross Charge tab of General System Setup
  • M/C: The multiplier from the Cross Charge tab of Individual Organization Setup
  • M/P: The multiplier from the Time & Expense tab of the Projects hub
  • B/G: The billing terms setting from the Cross Charge tab of General System Setup
  • B/P: The billing terms setting from the Cross Charge tab of the Projects hub
Hours This column displays the total hours the employee worked on the project.
Cost Amount This column displays the extended cost amount of the labor the employee charged to the project.
Revenue Amount This column displays the extended billing amount of the labor the employee charged to the project. The report only shows this column if you are using the Billing application and you are printing reports at both billing rates and cost rates.