Opportunity Service Estimate Misc Tab

Use the Misc tab to specify the firm name and address and to select font, margins, page size and orientation, and data formats.


Field Description
Firm Name By default, this field displays the organization's name from the General tab in Settings > Company, but you can enter a different organization name for the report. The report only displays the value of Firm Name if you select Print Firm Name on the General tab.
Byline By default, this field displays the byline from the General tab in Settings > Company, but you can enter a different byline for the report. The report only displays the byline if you select Print Firm Byline on the General tab.
Address Line 1-4 By default, this field displays the address from the General tab in Settings > Company, but you can enter a different address for the report. The report only displays the address if you select Print Firm Address on the General tab.
Unit of Measure From the drop-down list, select the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) to use for the margin and page size settings on this tab. When you switch from one unit of measure to the other, the measurements that are currently entered or displayed on this tab are automatically converted to the new unit of measure. (1 inch = 25.4 millimeter)
Font Name Select the font for the report. The default font is the font that you selected in User Settings, the font that your Administrator specified, or Arial (the default font for DPS).
Top Specify the top margin for the report. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.
Left Specify the left margin for the report. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.
Bottom Specify the bottom margin for the report. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.
Right Specify the bottom margin for the report. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.
2nd Page Top Specify the top margin for the second page of the report. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.
Orientation Select one of the following page orientations:
  • Automatic: DPS selects the most appropriate orientation based on the columns that you select for the report, the page size, and the margins. If the columns fit across the narrow dimension of the page, DPS uses portrait orientation. If the columns do not fit across the narrow dimension, DPS uses the landscape orientation.
  • Portrait: The page is oriented so that the longest dimension is vertical.
  • Landscape: The page is oriented so that the longest dimension is horizontal.
Size From the drop-down list, select the size for report pages.

The width and height of the page size that you select display in the Dimensions: > Width and Height fields below the Size field.

When you select the Custom size, the Width and Height fields are enabled so you can enter a width and height of your choice.

Dimensions: Width and Height The Width and Height fields display the width and height of the page size that you select in the Size field. The measurements display in either inches or millimeters based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.
Override regional settings If you want to use formatting for numbers or currency amounts for a report that is different than the default formatting in Regional and Language Options in the Windows Control Panel, select the Override regional settings check box and, if the format you want is associated with another culture, select that culture from the drop-down list. If you select a different culture, DPS automatically displays the default formats associated with that culture in the Number, Currency, and Date fields.

If you do not select Override regional settings, the format settings are the settings specified for your computer in Regional and Language Options in the Windows Control Panel.

Number This field displays the default format for non-currency numbers for the report. This format is the default format for each numeric field on the report. To change the default format, select the Override regional settings check box and select the culture associated with the format you want. (This also sets the formats in Currency and Date to the formats for that culture.)
Currency This field displays the default format for currency amounts for the report. This format is the default format for each currency field on the report. To change the default format, select the Override regional settings check box and select the culture associated with the format you want.(This also sets the formats in Number and Date to the formats for that culture.)
Date This field displays the default date and time format for the report. This format is the default format for each date or date-and-time field on the report. To change the default format, select the Override regional settings check box and select the culture associated with the format you want.(This also sets the formats in Number and Currency to the formats for that culture.)
Report language If you use multiple languages, this field displays the language in which the report will be generated. If you do not use multiple languages, DPS does not display this field.

For the standard DPS report, this field displays the language you specified when you logged in. For favorite reports or reports for which you select a saved set of options, it displays the language that was active when you created the favorite or the options set.

You cannot use this field to change the language. To generate a report in a different language, do one of the following:

  • Select that language when you log in to DPS and then generate the report. (This only applies to the standard report. For favorite reports, DPS always uses the language specified when you created the favorite, whether or not it matches the language you selected when you logged in.)
  • Select a set of saved options that you created for that language.
  • Select a favorite version of the report that you created for that language.