Opportunity Top-Bottom Performers Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Days Open - Opportunity This column displays the number of days the opportunity has been open. For a closed opportunity, this is the number of days from the date it was opened to the date it was closed.
Labor Indirect Cost - Current This column displays the indirect labor cost for the promotional project associated with the opportunity for the current accounting period.
Labor Indirect Cost - JTD This column displays the job-to-date indirect labor cost for the promotional project associated with the opportunity.
Labor Indiirect Cost - YTD This column displays the fiscal year-to-date indirect labor cost for the promotional project associated with the opportunity.
Spent @ Cost - Current This column shows the amount spent at cost rates for the promotional project associated with the opportunity for the current accounting period.
Spent @ Cost - JTD This column shows the job-to-date amount spent at cost rates for the promotional project associated with the opportunity.
Spent @ Cost - YTD This column shows the fiscal year-to-date amount spent at cost rates for the promotional project associated with the opportunity.
Total Compensation/ Total Compensation - Project Currency This column displays the total contract value for the promotional project associated with the opportunity. Compensation is the total monetary amount your company expects to receive. This amount should include all labor and expenses.

If you use multiple currencies, the column name is Total Compensation-Project Currency. For this total compensation column, DPS translates project currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.

Total Compensation - Billing Currency This column is available only if you use multiple currencies. It displays the total contract value for the promotional project associated with the opportunity. Compensation is the total monetary amount your company expects to receive. This amount should include all labor and expenses.

For this total compensation column, DPS translates billing currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.

Total Compensation - Functional Currency This column is available only if you use multiple currencies. It displays the total contract value for the promotional project associated with the opportunity. Compensation is the total monetary amount your company expects to receive. This amount should include all labor and expenses. For this total compensation column, DPS translates functional currency amounts into presentation currency amounts.
Revenue - Opportunity This column displays the estimated revenue that you expect to earn if the opportunity results in a contract.
Probability - Opportunity This column displays the probability that the opportunity will become a project. For example, if that probability is 80%, this column contains 80.
Weighted Revenue - Opportunity This column displays the weighted revenue for the opportunity. DPS automatically calculates weighted revenue from the entries in Revenue and Probability in the Opportunities hub: Revenue x (Probability / 100).