Purchase Order Cost Distribution Detail General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Purchase Order Cost Distribution Detail report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.


Field Description

Use this option to limit the open purchase orders included on the report based on purchase order type.

Select one of the following:

  • Standard: Standard purchase orders authorize a purchase of one or more individual line items from a single vendor, with a stated quantity, terms of delivery, and purchase price.
  • Service: Service purchase orders authorize the purchase of services from a single provider, up to a stated amount of money and for a stated period of time. The line items on a service purchase order are hours and rates rather than quantities and prices.
  • Blanket: Blanket purchase orders authorize as many purchases from a single vendor as necessary, up to a stated amount of money and for a specific period of time. You can create an unlimited number of releases against a blanket purchase order, as long as the total cumulative monetary amount does not exceed the amount specified on the blanket purchase order. A blanket purchase order does not create committed expenses until releases are generated for it.
Ship-To Use this option to limit the purchase orders included on the report to those assigned a specific ship-to destination. For example, you might generate the report for items to be shipped to your firm's Boston office.

Use this field to limit the purchase orders to those for a specific item or set of items. Enter an item number or use the Items lookup to select one or more items.

If you use multiple companies, the list of available items only includes those for the active company.

Category Use this option to limit the purchase orders included on the report to those assigned a specific category (for example, Furniture, Data, Phone, or Supplies).
Category Type Use this option to limit the open purchase orders included on the report to those assigned a specific category type (for example, Materials & Supplies, Services, or Capital Items).

Use this field to limit the purchase orders to those for specific buyers. Enter a buyer's name or use the Employee lookup to select one or more employees who are authorized to act as buyers.

If you use multiple companies, the list of available buyers only includes those for the active company.


Use this field to limit the purchase orders to those for a specific vendor or set of vendors. Enter a vendor's name or use the Vendor lookup to select one or more vendors.

If you use multiple companies, the list of available vendors only includes those for the active company.

Field Description
Closed Only Select this check box to limit the purchase orders included on the report to those with the Closed status.

Order Date Option

Use these options to limit the purchase orders included on the report based on the order date:

Field Description
Order Date Through Today The report includes purchase orders with order dates on or before the current date.
Specific Order Date Range The report includes purchase orders with order dates in the range of dates that you specify.
Field Description
Status To limit the purchase orders included on the report based on their status (such as Approved or Rejected), select one or more of the check boxes.