Payroll Locale List Columns

The Payroll Locale List contains a standard set of columns. You cannot select columns for this report.


Column Description
Locale ID This column displays the identifier for the tax locale (for example, a two-letter abbreviation for a state in the United States).
State Locale This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the locale ID represents a state in the United States.
Description This column displays the description of the locale.
Locale Type This column displays one of the following locale types:
  • System: The locale is one of the standard tax locales that comes with DPS. The standard locales include the United States federal government and the states.
  • User Defined: The locale is a tax locale created specifically for your enterprise. You set up user-defined tax locales on the User Defined Locales form (Settings > Payroll > User Defined Tax Locales).