Project Detail Options Tab

Use the Options tab to indicate if you want to display the project information and financial analysis sections and to specify options for displaying that data.


Financial Analysis

Field Description
Print Financial Analysis

Select this check box to print financial analysis information for each work breakdown structure (WBS) level for the current period, the year to date, and the job to date. The information is similar to data available on the Office Earnings Report.

The values in the Spent column in the Financial Analysis sections are affected by the following options on the Labor & Expense tab: Include Committed Purchase Order Expense, Print Unposted Labor, and Print Reimbursable Consultant Expenses.

Report At

Select one of the following rate options:

  • Billing: Select this option to display monetary amounts at billing rates. This option is only available if the Enable Reporting at Billing Rates option is selected in Labor Options Settings.
  • Cost: Select this option to display monetary amounts at cost rates. This option is only available if the Enable Reporting at Burdened Rates option is not selected in Labor Options Settings.
  • Burden: Select this option to include overhead amounts in labor cost amounts. This option is only available if the Enable Reporting at Burdened Rates option is selected in Labor Options Settings.
Report in

If Report at is Cost or Burden, indicate the currency type used for monetary amounts that display in the Financial Analysis sections:

  • Project Currency
  • Billing Currency
  • Project's Functional Currency

If Report at is Billing, you cannot set this option. The currency is based on the Use billing currency not Project currency option in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options:

  • When that option is selected in Settings, the report displays monetary amounts in the project's billing currency.
  • When that option is not selected in Settings, the report displays monetary amounts in the project currency.

Information Section

Field Description
Print Project Info Select this option to display selected information from the Projects hub (principal, project manager, client, and so on) for each WBS level.
Print User Defined Fields If you select this check box, the project information sections can include up to 15 user-defined fields. The report displays fields that are not memo fields first, in columns, and then displays memo fields. Memo fields use the full width of the report page.
Print Project Memo Select this check box to include notes specified for the project in the Memo field in the Projects hub.