Project Summary Budget and Expense Tab

Use the Budget & Expense tab to limit the expenses included on the report. If you are using Planning, you can also use this tab to select the source of the project budget data on the report.


Field Description
Budget Source

Select the source of the budget data for the report:

  • Project Budgeting
  • Project Planning Budget
  • Project Baseline Budget
Basis for Planning Calculations If you select Project Planning Budget or Project Baseline Budget as the source of the budget data for the report, select the date to be used in calculating estimate-to-complete (ETC) values:
  • Today's Date: The estimate-to-complete hours and cost amounts are calculated based on the current date.
  • Period End Date: The estimate-to-complete hours and cost amounts are calculated based on the last day of your firm's current accounting period.
  • Specific Date: The estimate-to-complete hours and cost amounts are calculated based on the date that you specify here.
Print Reimbursable Expenses Select this check box to include reimbursable expenses on the report.
Print Direct Expenses Select this check box to include direct expenses on the report.
Print Indirect Expenses Select this check box to include indirect expenses on the report.
Print Reimbursable Consultant Expenses Select this check box to include reimbursable consultant expenses on the report.
Print Direct Consultant Expenses Select this check box to include direct consultant expenses on the report.
Include Committed Purchase Order Expense

Select this check box to include as expenses any amounts committed to approved purchase orders.

If you include committed expenses, you can see major upcoming costs that affect a project’s bottom line. If you also select the Committed Purchase Order Expense column on the Columns tab, the portion of the expenses for an account that is committed purchase order expenses is displayed in a separate column as well as included in other expense amounts for the account.

If you select this option and also select Current in Activity Period on the Activity tab, committed purchase order expenses are included whether or not the expense activity occurred in the current accounting period.