Purchase Requisition and Price Quote Columns

The information on the Purchase Requisition and Price Quote report is specified primarily using the options on the General tab. You cannot select columns for this report.


Column Description
Requested By This column displays the name of the employee who requested the items.
Req # This column displays the number of the request for price quote or the purchase requisition.
Date This column displays the date on which the request for price quote or purchase requisition was created.
Status This column displays the status of the purchase requisition or the request for price quote: A (Approved), J (Rejected), N (In Progress), or S (Submitted).
Item This column displays the item number for the item or service.
Description This column displays the description of the item or service.
Category This column displays the category to which the item or service is assigned (for example, Furniture, Data, Phone, or Supplies).
Qty This column displays the quantity requested.
U/M This column displays the unit of measure for the item or service (for example, Each, Box, Case, Dozen, or Hour).
Unit Price This column displays the price per unit for the item or service.
Total This column displays the cost of the requested quantity of the item or service.
Due Date This column displays the date on which the item or service is due to be delivered.
Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the currency for the purchase amounts.
Ship To If you select Show Ship To on the General tab, this section of the report the full address to which the items are to be delivered. The ship-to address can include additional contact information, such as a phone number, fax number, and email address.
Notes If you select Show Extra Notes or Show Internal Notes on the General tab, this section of the report displays the notes entered for the purchase requisition or request for price quote.
Vendor This column displays the names of the suggested vendors for the requested items.
Selected This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the suggested vendor has been selected for the purchase.
Printed This Yes/No column indicates whether or not a purchase requisition has been printed for the vendor.
Address This column displays the address for the purchase. For example, if this column displays <Default>, the default address entered for the vendor in the Firms hub is the one to use for correspondence related to the purchase.
Vendor's Item# This column displays the item number used by the vendor.
Response Price This column displays the price the vendor quoted in response to a request for price quote.
U/M (Vendor) This column displays the vendor's unit of measure (for example, Each, Box, Case, Dozen, or Hour).
Response This column displays the date on which the vendor responded to the request for price quote.
Response Person This column displays the person at the vendor firm who responded to the request for price quote.
Project If the cost of the item is distributed to projects, phases, or tasks, this column displays the project number.

The Name column displays the project name.

Phase If the cost of the item is distributed at the phase or task level, this column displays the phase number.

The Name column displays the phase name.

Task If the cost of the item is distributed at the task level, this column displays the task number.

The Name column displays the task name.

Billable This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the cost of the item is billable to the project, phase, or task. If multiple projects, phases, or tasks share the cost of a requested item, some of the cost can be billable while the rest is not.
PCT This column displays the percentage of the overall cost of the item or service that is distributed to the project, phase or task. Multiple projects, phases, or tasks can share the cost of an ordered item or service. For example, you could distribute 80 percent of the cost to a project and the other 20 percent to a phase in a second project.