Resource Utilization by Organization If You Base the Graph on FTE Values

If you select FTE Only in Value of Y-Axis on the Graph tab, the Resource Utilization by Organization report displays FTE Demand, FTE Capacity, and FTE Over/Under Capacity values beneath the graph.

FTE Calculations

DPS calculates the values as follows:

If the graph is for... Then FTE Demand is... And FTE Capacity is calculated as follows...
An organization Based on the sum of all planned hours for the reporting period for the employees who are assigned to the organization. (The plan's organization is not considered.) Only the planned hours for employees and plans included on the report are included in the calculation. DPS divides the sum of these hours by the number of working days in the period, then divides that result by the number of hours in one full-time equivalent. To determine the organization’s full-time equivalents for a single day, DPS adds up the hours per day value for every active employee assigned to the organization. DPS then divides that total by the number of hours in one full-time equivalent. DPS includes all of the organization's active employees in this calculation.

For example, there are 13 active employees in an organization:

  • 11 employees work 8 hours per day.
  • 2 employees work 4 hours per day.

DPS calculates possible working hours per day for this organization in this way:

(8 x 11) + (2 x 4) = 96 possible working hours/day by these employees.

The FTE definition of hours per day is 8. DPS determines that 96 / 8 = 12 full-time equivalents for this organization.

The report as a whole Based on the sum of all planned hours for the reporting period for the employees and generic resources included on the report. DPS includes in the calculations data for only those plans included on the report. To determine the full-time equivalents for a single day, DPS adds up the hours per day value for every active employee in the active company. DPS then divides that total by the number of hours in one full-time equivalent. DPS includes all of the active company's active employees in this calculation.