Resource Utilization by Organization Inclusions Tab

Use the options on the Inclusions tab to control the content of the report. For example, you can limit the report to employees with assigned hours for plans for which you are the project manager.


Field Description
Only Include Employees with Planned Hours

Select During the Period to include only employees with planned hours in the reporting period you specify on the General tab. Inactive and terminated employees are included along with active employees if they have planned hours in the period.

If you do not select During the Period, the report includes all active employees whether or not they have planned hours in the period.

If you select During the Period, select On Plans Where I'm the Project Manager to include only employees and generic resources with assigned hours for plans for which you are the project manager.

If an employee or generic resource has assigned hours for a plan that you manage, the report displays data for all plans for which the employee or generic resource has assigned hours, whether or not you are the project manager. Because it does this, the report gives you a complete view of the utilization of the employees and generic resources.

Include Employees Who Are

Select one or more of the following check boxes:

  • Over Utilized: The report includes employees for whom the employee's planned hours exceed the proper utilization level.
  • Under Utilized: The report includes employees for whom the planned hours fall short of the proper utilization level.
  • Properly Utilized: The report includes properly utilized employees for whom the planned hours result in the proper utilization level.
  • Over Scheduled: The report includes employees for whom the planned hours exceed the proper number of scheduled hours.
  • Under Scheduled: The report includes employees for whom the planned hours fall short of the proper number of scheduled hours.
  • Properly Scheduled: The report includes employees for whom the planned hours result in the proper number of scheduled hours.

You must select at least one of these check boxes. If you do not, the report will not include any employees.

The Utilization Determination group box and the Availability Determination group box on the Resource Management Settings form provide the rules used to calculate the proper levels of employee utilization and availability.

Resource Name Rows Include

Select one of the following options for the report rows that display employee or generic resource data:

  • All Planned Hours: The report includes both billable and non-billable hours for employees and generic resources.
  • Only Billable Planned Hours: The report includes only billable hours for employees and generic resources.

Hours in plans that are not mapped to projects are considered billable. Hours in plans that are mapped to projects are considered billable if the project has the Regular charge type.

Employee Name Rows Include

Select one of the following options for the period columns in report rows that display employee data:

  • Hours: The report displays planned hours or billable planned hours in the period columns.
  • Percentages: The report displays percentages in the period columns. If the employee rows include all planned hours, DPS calculates the percentage as follows: All planned hours in plans included in utilization / Possible work hours. If the employee rows include only billable planned hours, DPS calculates the percentage as follows: Billable planned hours in plans included in utilization / Possible work hours. (DPS calculates the possible work hours for an employee as follows: Hours per day * Work days in period.)

This option only applies to employees. Generic resource rows always show hours.

Only Include Plans that Are

Use these options to limit the plans that the report includes:

  • Included in Utilization: If you select this option, the report includes all project plans that you select for the report and any selected opportunity plans that are included in utilization. Opportunity plans that are not included in utilization yet are excluded. (You use the Include Plan in Utilization Calculation check box on the Opportunity Plan Structure form (Resource Management > Opportunity Plan Structure) to indicate whether or not an opportunity plan is included in utilization.

    If you do not select this option, the report includes all plans that you select for the report.

  • Probability Is Greater Than Or Equal To: If you enter a percentage in this field, the report only includes plans for opportunities that have a probability of becoming an actual project that is equal to or greater than the percentage that you enter in this field.
  • For Billable Projects: The report includes plans for projects with the Regular charge type, but it does not include plans for projects with the Promotional charge type. If you do not select this check box, the report also includes plans for promotional projects.
  • For Overhead Projects: The report includes plans for projects with the Overhead charge type. If you do not select this check box, the report does not include plans for overhead projects.
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Reporting Includes

Use these options to include full-time equivalent information in the data section of the report. If you do include full-time equivalent values, the report displays them with the organization totals and employee final totals. If you include one or both of these full-time equivalent rows, the report also includes an Hours for All Active Employees row in the same block.

  • FTE Capacity and Demand: Select this check box to display a row of full-time equivalent capacity and demand values after the total row for each organization and after the Employee Final Total row.

    DPS displays capacity values with shaded backgrounds to help you distinguish them from demand values. (You must select Resource Assignment as the first column for the report. If you do not, this shading does not display correctly.)

    If you do not include the Total Available Hours column on the report, the report displays only FTE demand, and the Hours for All Active Employees row is not displayed.

  • FTE Over/(Under) Capacity: Select this check box to display a full-time equivalent variance row after the total row for each organization and after the Employee Final Total row. This row displays the amount, in full-time equivalents, that the organization or firm is over or under capacity. The values are displayed in the Total Planned Hours column, Soft Booked Hours column, and period columns.

To determine whether you are over capacity or under capacity, DPS compares capacity to demand:

  • If the demand is greater than the capacity, you are over capacity. You may need to hire more people or adjust the employees’ schedules.
  • If the capacity is greater than the demand, you are under capacity. Your firm or organization does not have enough demand to fully occupy your employees. The report displays under-capacity values in parentheses.
  • One FTE Defined as ____ Hours Per Day: Enter the number of hours that equals one full-time equivalent. DPS uses this entry to calculate full-time equivalents for the data sections and for the graph.