Resource Utilization by Organization Sorting Grouping Tab

Use the Sorting/Grouping tab to specify the sequence in which data appears on the Resource Utilization by Organization report. In general, the Sorting/Grouping tab is the same for this report as it is for other reports. However, it does contain some options unique to this report.

DPS Modules and Planning Levels

When the Resource Planning module and the Accounting module are activated, you can only plan projects and opportunities at the levels enabled in your work breakdown structure (WBS), a maximum of three levels. However, when only the Resource Planning module is activated but the Accounting module is not, you can plan at up to 17 levels.

Multiple Sort Criteria

You can combine multiple sort criteria. If you do, the lowest sorting level has the most detailed information. For example, if you sort by project and then by task, the task level has the most detailed information.

Sorting/Grouping Sequence

For the most part, the sorting and grouping sequence is set as it is displayed in the grid after you select an option in Lowest Level of Detail Shown, and you cannot change it. The organization level selected in Resource Organization Grouping is always the first group, Resource is next, Plan is third, and so on. However, DPS also provides three optional criteria that you can select: Resource Supervisor, Primary Resource Skill, and Labor Category. You can include all, none, or any combination of these three criteria, but they are always located between the organization level in Resource Organization Grouping and Resource in the sorting and grouping sequence. You can, however, move these rows up or down within their own group so that they are applied in the sequence that you want. (DPS does not use these three criteria when you print generic resources. Generic resources are sorted based on labor category.)


Field Description
Resource Organization Grouping Select the resource organization grouping for the report. This drop-down list displays all enabled organizational levels.
Lowest Level of Detail Shown

Select the lowest level of detail for the data section of the report. Your selection determines the levels that are selected by default as sorting/grouping fields.

The options available in the this drop-down list vary depending upon which modules are activated:
  • If both the Resource Planning module and the Accounting module are activated, this drop-down list displays up to 3 WBS levels (project, phase, and task).
  • If the Resource Planning module is activated, but the Accounting module is not activated, this drop-down list can display up to 17 planning levels. Note that if the maximum plan level selected is greater than the levels a project has, this report will display only those levels down to the project's lowest level. For example, if you choose to see 17 levels but the project only has 5, the report will list all the levels down to level 5 for the project, not through level 17.

if you select a WBS level in this field and a project plan has unpublished changes, a caution indicator () displays on the report at the project detail level as an alert that you are not viewing the most current data for that plan. If you do not select a WBS level, those indicators do not display.

DPS automatically selects the sorting and grouping criteria based on your selection here.

This option does not apply to the graph.


For the Resource Supervisor, Labor Category, and Primary Resource Skill criteria, select Include for a criterion to include it in the sort. Click and to change the order of these three criteria.

To select the other criteria, select an option in Lowest Level of Detail Shown. DPS then selects that criterion and all higher level criteria. You cannot change the order of the criteria that DPS selects.

Sort/Group By

The Sort/Group By column lists the criteria by which you can sort data on the report.

For the Resource Supervisor, Labor Category, and Primary Resource Skill criteria, select Include for a criterion to include it in the sort. Click and to change the order of these three criteria.

To select the other criteria, select an option in Lowest Level of Detail Shown. You cannot change the order of the other criteria.


Select a setting for the sorting basis:

  • Name: DPS sorts based on the names of the sorting values.
  • Number/Code & Name: DPS sorts based on the combination of the numbers or codes and the names for the sorting values.
Label Use this column to enter the label that is displayed on the report for the sort criterion. You can change the default label.

Use this option to select the color of the sort band for each sorting level.

Sort (ascending/ descending)

In the Sort column, specify whether DPS sorts data in ascending or descending order.

Click the Sort column for a sort criterion and select one of the following:

  • Ascending: Sort the data in ascending numerical order (for example, 00001.00, 00002.00, 97001.00, 98001.00) or alphabetical order (from A to Z).
  • Descending: Sort the data in descending numerical order (for example, 98001.00, 97001.00, 00002.00, 00001.00) or alphabetical order (from Z to A).

You can set up group levels so that you can collapse and expand the groups at that level to display or hide the sub-groups and detail rows when you preview the report. If you print the report from the Preview window, the groups are expanded or collapsed just as they are in the Preview window.

This option is not available for the Resource grouping level and for levels below Resource.

In Collapse/Expand for the sorting and grouping criterion, select one of the following:

  • Disabled: The report displays all data for the group, and you do not have the option to collapse or expand it.
  • Collapsed: If you preview the report, you can expand and collapse the group to show or hide sub-groups and detail rows. By default, all groups at this grouping level are collapsed when you first display the report in the Preview window. If you print the report from the Reports grid, those groups are collapsed on the report.
  • Expanded: If you preview the report, you can expand and collapse the group to show or hide sub-groups and detail rows. By default, all groups at this grouping level are expanded when you first display the report in the Preview window. If you print the report from the Reports grid, those groups are expanded on the report.

If you search for text in a previewed report, the search only finds the target text if it is visible when you do the search. It does not find data that is hidden in collapsed groups.

Line Separator This option is not available for this report.
Page Break

Select this option if you want a new report page each time that the sort value changes.

For example, if you select Page Break for the Resource Organization sort criterion, DPS begins printing the information for each of the organizations at the top of a new page.

Subtotal Select this option to display a subtotal line.
Heading Select this option to display the new sort value as a heading label each time the sort value for the criterion changes.
Page Heading Select this option to repeat group headings on subsequent pages when data for the group spans more than one page.
Left margin indent for groups Use this option to specify the number of inches from the left margin to indent data for the sorting group.