Time Analysis Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Total This column displays the total hours worked or the total cost of hours worked.
Direct This column displays the direct hours worked or the cost of direct hours worked.
Indirect This column displays the indirect hours worked or the cost of indirect hours worked.
Direct/Total Ratio A

This column displays the Gross Chargeable Ratio. This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / Total hours

Direct/(Total - Benefit) Ratio B

This column displays the Net Chargeable Ratio. This ratio excludes benefit hours. This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / (Total hours - Benefit hours)

Target Ratio C

This column displays the Target Ratio. This ratio is the percentage of an employee's time that you expect to be charged to projects that produce revenue.

You specify the target ratio in the General Accounting section of the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.

Vacation This column displays the vacation hours taken or the cost of vacation hours taken.
Sick This column displays the sick hours taken or the cost of sick hours taken.
Holiday This column displays the holiday hours taken or the cost of holiday hours taken.
Bus Dev This column displays the hours spent on business development or the cost of those hours.
Civic This column displays the civic duty hours taken or the cost of civic duty hours taken.
Mgmt This column displays the hours spent on management tasks or the cost of those hours.
Acctg This column displays the hours spent on accounting tasks or the cost of those hours.
Prof Devmt This column displays the hours spent on professional development or the cost of those hours.
Marketing This column displays the hours spent on marketing tasks or the cost of those hours.
Other This column displays the hours spent on other tasks or the cost of those hours. When it is included on the report, the Other column is always displayed as the last column.
Standard This column displays the standard hours or the cost of those hours. The report includes this column if you select Display standard hours column on the General tab in the Options dialog box.
Benefit This column displays total benefit hours taken or the cost of benefit hours taken.
Direct / Std Ratio D

This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / Standard hours

Direct/ Std - Benefit Ratio E

This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / (Standard hours - Benefit hours)

Non-Billable Hours

This column displays non-billable hours for the employee.

Non-billable hours are calculated by comparing the labor codes for timesheets to the non-billable labor code or labor code mask on the Miscellaneous tab of the Billing Setup form (Settings > Billing > General).

Realization Hours This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature. To calculate these hours for each employee, the realization amount is divided by the provisional billing rate that is entered on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub. When no provisional billing rate is entered (blank or zero) for an employee who has a realization amount on the report, the report displays no realization hours.
Realization Amount

This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature. The realization amounts that display on the report include the potential realization from posted timesheets, labor adjustments, and employee-specific units, as well as the true realization from posted invoices.

When units have been posted within the time frame selected for this report, the realization amount for the units charged is added to an employee’s realization value from labor if the unit was set up in the Units hub with the Employee-specific Revenue check box selected.

Realization always displays as a billing value, regardless of what you select in the Report at field on General tab for the Time Analysis report options.

Employees' time records that were posted before the Employee Realization Reporting feature was turned on have a 0 realization amount associated with them. These records are assigned a realization amount when you allocate realization in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, or Employee Realization.

If you use multiple currencies, the realization amount displays in an employee’s functional currency.

Provisional Billing Rate This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature. This is the provisional billing rate for an employee that is entered on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub. This is the rate used to calculate realization hours.
Provisional Cost Rate This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature. This is the provisional cost rate for an employee that is entered on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub for each employee. This rate provides you with an estimate of approximately how much the realization amount cost the company.
Realization Hours / Total Ratio F

This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature.

To calculate this ratio, DPS divides an employee's realization hours by the employee's total hours.

For example, if an employee has 120 realization hours and 100 total hours on the report, the Ratio F computation is:

(120/100) x 100 = 120

This computation is the same as the RATIO A computation, except that the numerator is an employee's realization hours, instead of direct hours.

Realization Hours / (Std – Benefit) Ration G

This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature.

To calculate this ratio, DPS divides an employee's realization hours by the difference between the employee's total hours and the employee's benefit hours on the report.

For example, if an employee has 120 realization hours, 100 total hours, and 20 benefit hours on the report, the Ratio G computation is:

(120/(100-20)) x 100 = 150

This computation is the same as the RATIO B computation, except that the numerator is an employee's realization hours, instead of direct hours.

Realization Hours / Std Ratio H

This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature.

To calculate this ratio, DPS divides an employee's realization hours by the employee's standard hours on the report.

For example, if an employee has 120 realization hours and 100 standard hours, the Ratio H computation is:

(120/100) x 100 = 120

Home Company If you use multiple companies, the code in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's current timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.