Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

The Unbilled Detail and Aging report displays the transactions that have been posted but not yet been billed as of the date that you specify in the Bill-thru Date or Bill-thru Period fields on the Options tab. The report name is "Unbilled Detail and Aging" if you specify aging columns for it, "Unbilled Detail" if you do not.

The contents of the report depend on when you print it:

  • If you print the report before you accept your final bills, it lists all items available for billing (billable, held, to be written off, or not-billable).
  • If you print the report after you accept your final bills, it lists only the items that are available for the next bill. It excludes items with a status of written-off or deleted.

The Unbilled Detail and Aging report does not include projects that have no billing terms. (You can use the Missing Billing Terms List to identify such projects.) In addition, the report does not include projects that have fee billing terms only.

Labor Billing Rates

You can override the cost rates for labor categories using options on the Max Cost by Category Override tab in the Billing Labor Override Tables form. If you do, labor billing rates in this report reflect those overrides.

Leading Zeros in Invoice Numbers

If your enterprise uses leading zeros in invoice numbers but you do not want to display the zeros on the report, clear the Display Invoice Leading Zeros option in the Invoice section on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > System).

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, this report is limited to projects that can be billed by the active company. Those projects include the following:

  • Projects owned by the active company
  • Sub-projects in billing groups with main projects owned by the active company. These sub-projects can belong to other companies.

The report does not include data from sub-projects that are owned by the active company but that are also part of a billing group with a main project owned by another company.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies and you select Use Reporting Default Terms on the Options tab, DPS verifies that each project's billing currency matches the currency for the labor rate table or the override table specified on the Labor tab in the Reporting Default Terms form. If it detects a discrepancy, DPS displays a message, and the report does not print.

This occurs if you print the report for any projects for which both of the following are true:

  • The project has no billing terms, or it has No labor billing as the labor method in its billing terms.
  • The project's billing currency is different than the currency for either the labor rate table or the override table specified on the Labor tab in the Reporting Default Terms form.

If this occurs, generate the Missing Billing Terms report with Include only Projects that have no labor terms and cannot use Reporting Default Terms selected on the General tab to identify the projects with the billing currency discrepancy. After you modify the billing terms or billing currency to eliminate the discrepancy, generate the Unbilled Detail and Aging report again.

If you generate the Unbilled Detail and Aging report using reporting default terms as part of batch billing or interactive billing and DPS detects a currency discrepancy, as described above, the report will display incorrect amounts for those projects. For batch billing (in draft mode only) and for interactive billing, the invoice will display 0 for the corresponding billing extension amounts.

Multiple Languages

If you use multiple languages, the language saved with an invoice template applies to invoices generated from that template either in Interactive Billing or in Batch Billing. It also applies to Billing Backup reports and AR Statements generated along with those invoices during the billing process. However, it does not apply to the Unbilled Detail reports, if you elect to generate those reports also during batch billing. The Unbilled Detail reports, because they are intended for internal use only, are normally generated in the language that you select when you log in to process batch billing. You can, however, create a set of saved options for a specific language for the Unbilled Detail report in Reporting and then select that set of options for the report when you run the batch billing process.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.