Voucher Schedule General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Voucher Schedule report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Aging Date Select one of the following to indicate the date used to calculate the age of vouchers or to calculate the number of days until payment for vouchers:
  • Today's Date: The report compares the date in Schedule According to to the current date.
  • Accounting Period End Date: The report compares the date in Schedule According to to the last day of the current accounting period.
  • Specific Date: The report compares the date in Schedule According to to the date that you specify.
Schedule According to Select one of the following scheduling date options for the report:
  • Invoice Date: The voucher's age is the difference between its invoice date and the date specified in Aging Date. If you select this option, the age columns represent the number of days since the invoice date.
  • Payment Date: The voucher's days until payment is the difference between the date specified in Aging Date and the voucher's scheduled payment date. If you select this option, the age columns represent the number of days until the scheduled payment date.
  • Voucher Date: The voucher's age is the difference between the voucher date and the date specified in Aging Date. If you select this option, the age columns represent the number of days since the voucher date.
Format Select one of the following report formats:
  • Voucher Summary: The report displays each unpaid voucher amount in the appropriate age column. Unscheduled amounts, such as those on hold, are displayed in the Unsched column.
  • Vendor Summary: For each vendor, the report displays the total amount of unpaid vouchers for each age column. The report does not display any information for individual vouchers.
Liability Code To include only vouchers that are posted to a specific liability code, select the liability code. The report only displays vendors that have vouchers posted to that liability code. If you use multiple companies, the list of available liability codes is limited to those for the active company. A liability code is linked to a company in the Organization field on the Liability Accounts tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.
Bank Code To include only vouchers that are posted to a specific bank code, select the bank code. The report only displays vendors that have vouchers posted to that bank code. If you use multiple companies, the list of available bank codes is limited to those for the active company. A bank code is linked to a company in the Organization field in Settings > Cash Management > Banks.
Show Total Vendor Voucher Balance Select this check box to display the total unpaid amount for each vendor for all vouchers included on the report, regardless of age:
  • If you generate the report in the Voucher Summary format, the report displays these amounts in a Total Vendor Voucher Balance line for each vendor.
  • If you generate the report in the Vendor Summary format, the report displays these amounts in a Balance column to the left of the age columns.
Show Unpaid PWP Vouchers as Unscheduled If you select this check box, the portion of the pay when paid vouchers that have been billed to and paid for by the client are displayed in the first age column. The amounts for pay when paid vouchers that are not yet eligible for payment remain in the Unsched column. If you do not select this check box, the unpaid amounts for all pay when paid vouchers, whether or not they are eligible for payment, are included in the Unsched column.

This option is available only if you select Payment Date in Schedule according to.

Exclude Intercompany Vouchers Select this check box to exclude vouchers created by the intercompany billing process. This check box is only available if you select the Enable Detail Subledgers for Intercompany Billing option in Settings > Accounting > Posting Accounts
Report at Indicate if you want the report to display amounts in the payment currency or the functional currency of the active company.
Payment Currency To include only vouchers with a specific payment currency, select the currency. The payment currency for a voucher is the currency for the account that is assigned to the voucher's bank code. You select that currency in the Currency field in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.
Aging Increments You can specify up to four age ranges (for example, 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, over 90 days). The report includes a column for each range. Each column displays the amounts for vouchers with an age in that range.

Time Frame

Use these options to specify the timeframe for data included on the report.

Field Description

Select a setting:

  • Current: The report shows data for the accounting period that is currently open.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal year through the current accounting period.
  • Job-to-Date: The report shows data from the beginning of the project through the current accounting period.
Period Range Specify a range of accounting periods.
Date Range Specify the start and end dates of the range.