Accrued Time Report

The Accrued Time report provides current information about benefit hours, such as vacation time and sick leave. Use this report to review how much time each employee has earned and taken during the current benefit year. The report also shows remaining balances for benefit hours.

Data Sources

This report uses the following data sources:

  • The information entered on the Time Analysis and Absence Accrual form in Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis.
  • The accrual information entered for individual employees in the Benefit Accruals grid on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub.

Security Settings

The security settings for your user role determine the data that you can view on this report.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, this report may contain employee data for one or more companies that are associated with the employee.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, the report displays amounts in the functional currency of the active company.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.