Cash Receipts General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Cash Receipts report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Client Selection Use the lookup to select one or more clients to include in the report.
Bank Code Organization Selection If your enterprise uses organizations, use the lookup to select the organizations associated with the bank codes that you want to include in the report.


Field Description
Show Final Totals Select this check box to include a final report line that shows totals for the entire report.
Cash Basis

Select this option if you want to generate the cash-basis version of the report. DPS adds (Cash Basis) to the report name. If you do not select this option, DPS adds (Accrual Basis) to the report name.

To run this report as a cash-basis report, you must select Cash-Basis Reporting on the Reporting tab of the Accounting System Settings form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > System).

If you use multiple currencies and you select this option, the report displays amounts in the functional currency of the project's company.

Summarized Select this check box if you do not want individual invoices listed on the report.
Recap by Account Select this check box if you want to show a total on the last page for each account listed in the report.


Account Amount
111.000  AR Clients: Fees 5,000.00
115.00 Travel Advances 8,500.00
Total 13,500.00

Period Selection

Use these options to specify the timeframe for data included on the report.

Field Description

Select a setting:

  • Current: The report shows data for the accounting period that is currently open.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal period through the current accounting period.
Period Range Specify the start period and end period for a range of accounting periods.
Dates Specify the start and end dates of the range.
Field Description
Select all Banks

Select this check box to include all banks in the report. Clear this check box if you want to select one or more banks for the report.

If you use multiple currencies, the box below this option shows the selected bank's currency.

Report at

If you use multiple currencies, select the type of currency in which to display monetary amounts:

  • Billing Currency
  • Project Currency
  • Functional Currency