Item by Vendor Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description

This column displays the identifier for the item or service.

You create and maintain purchasing item records on the Items Master form (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master).

Description This column displays the description of the item or service.
Vendor This column displays the vendor number.
Vendor Item This column displays the item number used by the vendor.
UOM This column displays the unit of measure for the items or services (for example, Each, Box, Case, Dozen, or Hour).
Last Price For each vendor from which your firm has purchased the item, this column displays the price on the most recent purchase order.
Last Price Date For each vendor from which your firm has purchased the item, this column displays the date of the most recent purchase.
Total Qty This column displays the total quantity of the item ordered from the vendor. If you drill down on this quantity, DPS displays related data on the Purchase Order Detail report.
Total Amount For each vendor, this column displays the total monetary amount for the items ordered from the vendor. If you drill down on this amount, DPS displays related data on the Purchase Order Detail report.
Vendor Name This column displays the vendor name.
Last Price Currency Code This column displays the currency code for the price on the most recent purchase order.