Where Can I Find the Revenue Recognized by a Revenue Method

To prove out a revenue method, you must run the project reports that show how much revenue that method accrued for projects when you ran revenue generation.

To show the revenue (or the parts of it) on a project report, you must generate the applicable reports after including the rows and columns for the data fields that are used in the revenue method's formula.

The following table identifies the project report or other location that shows the revenue that was calculated by running revenue generation using each revenue method field.

Revenue Method Field Report and Options
Cur Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Current Period on the General tab of the Options dialog. Select Billed Amount on the Columns tab.

YTD Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Billed Amount on the Columns tab.

JTD Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Billed Amount on the Columns tab.

Cur Fee Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Current Period on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Fee Billed on the Columns tab.

YTD Fee Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Fee Billed on the Columns tab.

JTD Fee Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Fee Billed on the Columns tab.

Cur Cons Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Current Period on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Consultant Billed on the Columns tab.

YTD Cons Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Consultant Billed on the Columns tab.

JTD Cons Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Consultant Billed on the Columns tab.

Cur Reimb Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Current Period on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Expense Billed on the Columns tab.

YTD Reimb Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Expense Billed on the Columns tab.

JTD Reimb Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Print Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Expense Billed on the Columns tab.

Cur Other Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Current Period on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Other Billed on the Columns tab.

YTD Other Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Other Billed on the Columns tab.

JTD Other Billings Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Other Billed on the Columns tab.

Cur Receipts Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Current Period on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Received Amount on the Columns tab.

YTD Receipts Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Received Amount on the Columns tab.

JTD Receipts Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Received Amount on the Columns tab.

Prior Year JTD Revenue Office Earnings Report, run in prior year.

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Revenue Amount on the Columns tab.

Prior Pd JTD Revenue Office Earnings Report, run in prior period.

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Revenue Amount on the Columns tab.

YTD Revenue Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Year-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Revenue Amount on the Columns tab.

JTD Revenue Office Earnings Report

Select a Time Frame of Job-to-Date on the General tab of the Options dialog box. Select Revenue Amount on the Columns tab.

Cur Direct Exp @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Direct Exp @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Direct Exp @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Costt.
Cur Direct Exp @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Direct Exp @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Direct Exp @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Reimb Exp @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Reimb Exp @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Reimb Exp @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Cur Reimb Exp @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Reimb Exp @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Reimb Exp @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Direct Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Direct Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Direct Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Cur Direct Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Direct Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Direct Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Direct Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Direct Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Direct Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Cur Direct Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Direct Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Direct Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Reimb Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Reimb Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Reimb Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Costt.
Cur Reimb Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Reimb Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Reimb Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Reimb Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Reimb Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Reimb Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Cur Reimb Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Reimb Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Reimb Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Direct Labor @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
YTD Direct Labor @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
JTD Direct Labor @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Cur Direct Labor @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
YTD Direct Labor @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
JTD Direct Labor @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Cur Total Cost Project Summary Report
YTD Total Cost Project Summary Report
JTD Total Cost Project Summary Report
Budgeted Labor @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Labor @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Budgeted Directs @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Directs @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Budgeted Reimb @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Reimb @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Budgeted Direct Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Direct Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Budgeted Direct Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Direct Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Budgeted Reimb Cons @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Reimb Cons @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Budgeted Reimb Other @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Budgeted Reimb Other @ Billing Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Billing.
Labor Estimate-to-complete Project Summary Report
Direct Exp Estimate-to-complete Project Summary Report
Reimb Exp Estimate-to-complete Project Summary Report
Labor Estimate-at-completion Project Summary Report
Direct Exp Estimate-at-completion Project Summary Report
Reimb Exp Estimate-at-completion Project Summary Report
Work-in-progress @Cost Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select At Cost as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

Work-in-progress @ Billing Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select At Billing as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

WIP @Cost (incl. Held) Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select Held transactions and select At Cost as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

WIP @Billing (incl. Held) Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select Held transactions and select At Billing as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

WIP @Billing (incl. Add-ons) On the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General, select Include Add-ons when Reporting at Billing Rates.

Run the Project Detail Report; specify B in Select by Billing Status.

WIP @Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) On the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General, select Include Add-ons when Reporting at Billing Rates.

Run the Project Detail Report; specify B and H in Select by Billing Status.

Unbilled Labor @Cost Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select At Cost as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

Unbilled Labor @Cost (incl. Held) Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select Held transactions and select At Cost as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

Unbilled Labor @Billing Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select At Billing as the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

Unbilled Labor @Billing (incl. Held) Unbilled Detail and Aging Report

On the Options tab, select Held transactions and select At Billingas the Final Totals and Aging Report Basis.

Unbilled Labor @Billing (incl. Add-ons) On the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General, select Include Add-ons when Reporting at Billing Rates.

Run the Project Detail Report; specify B in Select by Billing Status.

Unbilled Labor @Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) On the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General, select Include Add-ons when Reporting at Billing Rates.

Run the Project Detail Report; specify B and H in Select by Billing Status.

Percent Complete Project Summary Report
Percent Complete @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Percent Complete (Lab/OH/Dir) Project Summary Report
Percent Complete (Lab/OH/Dir) @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Labor Percent Complete Project Summary Report

Select Percent Complete Hours on the Columns tab.

Labor Percent Complete @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.

Select Percent Complete Hours on the Columns tab.

Expense Percent Complete Project Summary Report

Select Percent Budget Expended on the Columns tab.

Expense Percent Complete @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.

Select Percent Budget Expended on the Columns tab.

Expense Percent Complete (Dir) Project Summary Report
Expense Percent Complete (Dir) @ Cost Project Summary Report, with Report at set to Cost.
Compensation Project Summary Report

Select Compensation on the Columns tab.

Reimb Allowance Project Summary Report

Select Reimbursable Allowance on the Columns tab.

Consultant Fee Project Summary Report

Select Consultant Fee on the Columns tab.

Budgeted Overhead Rate The Budgeted Overhead Rate is a multiplier, not an amount. To verify the Overhead amount itself, run the Project Summary Report with Report at set to Cost and check the Overhead row.

Whether or not you have run overhead allocation, DPS uses the amount specified:

  • At the lowest level of work breakdown structure, on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub (desktop), otherwise
  • On the Overhead tab of Settings > Organization > Individual, otherwise
  • On the General tab of Settings > Advanced Accounting > Overhead Allocation.
Project Specific Amount Project Summary Report

Select Revenue Multiplier/Amount on the Columns tab.

Method Specific Amount When you select this field for a revenue method formula, you are prompted to enter a value, which becomes a constant in the formula.
User-defined numeric field(s) Project Summary Report