Revenue Generation Checklist

Usually, you run revenue generation immediately before you generate the financial reports for a given accounting period.

However, you can run revenue generation at any time during the accounting period to recalculate revenue from data added by transactions and project steps that occur during the accounting period.

If you discover incorrect revenue for a single project or a pattern of incorrect revenue for a group of projects, post the RevGen file, change the method or data for the projects, and run revenue generation again for the projects.

Complete the steps in the following checklist to run revenue generation.

Step Description
1 Make sure that you entered all of the project data that is necessary to calculate revenue, including any overall revenue upset limit settings for a project.
2 Run overhead allocation for projects with a user-defined revenue method set to Total Cost or Overhead in the calculation.
3 Update percent complete amounts.

To update percent complete amounts in cost or billing budgets, open the Revenue Generation form, select the appropriate projects, and update their percent complete amounts.

4 On the Revenue Generation form, set options and select the projects for the revenue generation processing run.
5 Select one of the following actions:
  • Click Run to run revenue generation immediately from your workstation.
  • Click Schedule to send the Revenue Generation processing job to the process server for later processing.

Revenue generation calculates:

  • Job-to-date revenue for each project (using the project's revenue method).
  • Current period revenue for each project. A project's prior job-to-date revenue is subtracted from the new job-to-date revenue.

After the revenue generation process completes, you have:

  • The Revenue Generation Transaction List, which shows the amount of new job-to-date revenue for each project.

    As an alternative, if you selected the Post revenue as it is generated (do not create a transaction file option on the Revenue Generation form, the process generates the Revenue Generation Posting Log.

  • The RevGen file.
6 Review the data on the Revenue Generation Transaction List to make sure that the amount of new revenue for each project is the amount that you expected.

If you find errors, or amounts that do not agree, find the cause and correct the project data. Then re-run revenue generation for the applicable projects and review the data on the new Transaction List.

7 Post the RevGen file.
8 Review the posting log, which shows the new amount of revenue that was posted to each project.

Generate the Office Earnings report for the projects, and examine each project's revenue data.

9 Print financial statements and reports.
10 Prove out a revenue method.