History Loading for Revenue Generation

The amount of history required for Revenue Generation to calculate revenue amounts correctly depends on the components used in the revenue method calculation.

At a minimum, you must supply the following information:
  • The starting balance of the Unbilled Services account (121.00 in the standard chart of accounts). Enter this amount in Utilities > History Loading > Account Balances.
  • Project history to support the amount of unbilled services for each project. Enter these amounts in Utilities > History Loading > Invoice and Receipt. These amounts appear on the Office Earnings report.

If you enter this data, you will avoid a file reconciliation error in the Unbilled Services account. When you run Revenue Generation, DPS calculates the history entered using the revenue method that you selected, and then it compares the result to the job-to-date billings for each project and determines the amount of unbilled revenue, which equals the amount entered through Invoice and Receipt History.

If you enter sufficient history data (enough project history to support the full amount of unbilled services for the project) DPS will not find any new revenue amounts to accrue the first time that you run Revenue Generation. The history for the revenue method is fully reflected in the Unbilled Services amount on the Office Earnings report, so no new entry is necessary.

Additional Information by Revenue Method

The following table describes the additional historical information that you must provide for each revenue method.

Revenue Method Additional History Entries
Revenue Method B Job-to-Date Billings = Job-to-Date Revenue
  • No minimum or maximum billing history is required. Any invoice history entered will appear as job-to-date billings on the Office Earnings report.
  • Zero unbilled revenue should be entered for projects using revenue method B.
  • The Office Earnings report will show revenue equal to job-to-date billings plus any unbilled detail. Since the unbilled amount is zero, revenue will be equal to the job-to-date billing amount only. Regardless of the billed amount, no entry is made to record additional revenue beyond billings.
Revenue Method M (Job-to-Date Direct Labor * Multiplier) + Job-to-Date Reimbursable Expenses
  • The Unbilled field on the Invoice and Receipt History form for all projects ties to the amount entered in Account Balances History for the Unbilled Services account for each project.
  • Enter job-to-date labor history and job-to-date reimbursable expense history for the project.
  • No minimum or maximum billing history is required. Any invoice history entered will appear as job-to-date billings on the Office Earnings report.
  • Enter the multiplier in the Projects hub.
  • Enter the unbilled revenue amount in Invoice and Receipt History. Unbilled revenue is the difference between job-to-date revenue (using method M) and job-to-date billings.
  • If enough history is entered, DPS should not find any new revenue amounts to accrue the first time that you run Revenue Generation.
  • The billing status of labor or expense charges does not affect the revenue calculation.
Revenue Method N None

No additional entries are required.

Revenue Method P (Percent Complete * Fee) + Job-to-Date Reimbursable Expenses
  • Enter the percent complete (as of the installation cut-off date) in the Projects hub or on the Project Budget Worksheet.
  • No minimum or maximum billing history is required. Any invoice history entered will appear as job-to-date billings on the Office Earnings report.
  • Enter the job-to-date reimbursable expenses at cost in Labor and Expense History.
  • Enter the Compensation amount in the Projects hub or on the Project Budget Worksheet.
  • Enter the unbilled revenue amount in Invoice and Receipt History. Unbilled revenue is the difference between job-to-date revenue (using method P) and job-to-date billings.
  • If enough history is entered and the Project Budget Worksheet is correctly updated, DPS should not find any new amounts to accrue the first time that you run Revenue Generation.
Revenue Method R Job-to-Date Receipts
  • No minimum or maximum billing history is required. Any invoice history entered will appear as job-to-date billings on the Office Earnings report.
  • Enter job-to-date billings and job-to-date receipts for each project.
  • Revenue generation will calculate revenue as equal to the job-to-date receipts entered in Invoice and Receipt History and compare that amount to job-to-date billings. The difference between the two amounts is the unbilled amount.
  • Revenue generation will tie the unbilled amount calculated to the unbilled amount entered in Invoice and Receipt history. No additional entry is necessary.
Revenue Method W

Job-to-Date Billings + Work-in-Progress @ Billing Rates

  • The Unbilled field on the Invoice and Receipt History form ties to the amount entered in Account Balances History for the Unbilled Services account for each project.
  • Enter labor and expense data for items with a status of B (billable) on the Labor and Expense History form. The total amount of these items should equal the unbilled amount entered on the Invoice and Receipt History form for the project.
  • No minimum or maximum billing history is required. Any invoice history entered will appear as job-to-date billings on the Office Earnings report.
  • Revenue Generation compares all job-to-date billings and labor and expense items with a status of B (billable) to job-to-date billings. DPS then compares any additional accrual beyond billings to the unbilled services amount. If an unbilled amount exists, no additional entry is required.
  • Revenue Generation and the Unbilled Detail report calculate the billing extension using the project’s billing terms. These routines will accrue additional amounts if the current terms calculate work-in-progress differently than the labor and expense billing extension entered in history.