Contents of the Revenue Groups Form

Use these fields and options to set up a revenue group.


Field Description
Main Project To enter a new revenue group, click New on the toolbar to enable this field. Then use the Project lookup to select the project by which to identify the new revenue group.

The Project lookup includes only those projects with a regular charge type. It excludes projects that belong to another revenue group and projects that have the Calculation option selected for the Overall Revenue setting on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Projects hub (desktop).

The main project is also treated as a subproject, so it displays in the Sub Project grid on this form. You cannot delete it from the grid.

Because the adjustment phase or task for a revenue group is usually from the main project, the main project also prefills in the To Adjust section on this form.

Revenue Method field or Revenue Categories section

Either a Revenue Method field or a Revenue Categories section that has fields for the revenue method for each revenue category displays, based on whether or not you selected the Enable tracking for this many revenue categories check box on the Revenue tab of Settings > Accounting > Company.

Use the lookups to select the revenue method to use to calculate revenue for the overall revenue group (contract) when you run revenue generation.

Multiplier or Amount If you want to apply a multiplier, percentage, or amount to the revenue method that you entered in the Revenue Method field (or fields for revenue categories if you use revenue categories), enter it here. It increases or decreases revenue that is calculated for the contract (overall revenue group) when you run revenue generation. For example, if you want to increase the revenue calculation by 15%, enter 1.15 in this field.

To Adjust Section

In this section, you determine the adjustment phase or task to which to post any difference between the sum of the revenue that is calculated for each subproject and the revenue that is calculated for the overall revenue group (contract) when you run revenue generation. The adjustment is made at the lowest WBS level that you have.

Field Description
Project The project that you enter in the Main Project field on this form prefills in this field. This is the project of the adjustment phase or task to which any adjustment amount for the revenue groups is posted when you run revenue generation. Use the Project lookup if you want to replace the main project with a subproject from this revenue group.

Use the lookup in this field to select the adjustment phase to use for the revenue group when you run revenue generation.

Deltek recommends that the adjustment phase have a:

  • Status of dormant. You enter the status for a phase in the Status field on the General tab of the Projects hub (desktop).
  • Revenue method N (No Revenue Recognition). You enter the revenue method for a phase in the Revenue Method field on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Projects hub (desktop).

Use the lookup in this field to select the adjustment task to use for the revenue group when you run revenue generation.

Deltek recommends that the adjustment task have a:

  • Status of dormant. You enter the status for a task in the Status field on the General tab of the Projects hub (desktop).
  • Revenue method N (No Revenue Recognition). You enter the revenue method for a task in the Revenue Method field on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Projects hub (desktop).

Sub Project Grid

Field Description
Grid Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.


Click this option to open the Project lookup and select the subprojects for this revenue group. When you run revenue generation, the sum of the revenue that is calculated for each subproject is compared to the revenue that is calculated for the overall revenue group (contract).

The Project lookup excludes projects that:

  • Belong to another revenue group.
  • Have the Overall Revenue option set to Calculation on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Projects hub (desktop).

The Project lookup includes:

  • Projects from all of the companies in your enterprise, if you have multiple companies.
  • Only projects that have the same billing currency as the main project, if you use multiple currencies.

After you select a project in the Project lookup, the project displays in the Sub Project grid.

Delete Select a row in the grid and click this option on the grid toolbar to delete the project from the grid and remove it from the revenue groups. You cannot delete the main project.
Sub Project The main project for a revenue group is treated as a subproject. It automatically displays in the grid and cannot be deleted. This field displays the project numbers of the subprojects that you add to the revenue group.