Account List Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Account Number This column displays the number associated with the account.
Account Name This column displays the name used to identify the account.
Type This column displays the account's account type. Valid options are 1 - Asset; 2 - Liability; 3 - Net Worth; 4 - Revenue; 5 - Reimbursable; 6 - Reimbursable Consultant; 7 - Direct; 8 - Direct Consultant; 9 - Indirect; 10 - Other Charges.
Status This column displays the account's status: A-Active, I-Inactive, or D-Dormant.
Cash Basis Account This column indicates whether or not the account is a cash-basis account.
Detail This column indicates how detail appears on the General Ledger Account Analysis: Show Detail, No Detail, or Summarized.
Row Count This column displays the row number of a line item.
FAS Depreciation Account This column displays the account to use for recording depreciation amounts imported from Best FAS.
Currency This column displays the currency used for the account.
Revaluation Gain Account This column displays the number of the loss account for foreign-denominated accounts.
Revaluation Loss account This column displays the number of the loss account for individual foreign-denominated accounts.
Update Cash Basis During Revaluation This column indicates whether or not cash-basis entries are posted for revaluation gains and losses for a foreign-denominated account.
Available to all Companies This column indicates whether or not the account is available to all companies set up for your enterprise.
Account Group - Detail Group Name This column displays the lists the detail group names that are associated with the current group table.
Account Group - Group Table This column displays the default account group table and all account groups your security role can access.
Company Access - Company Code This column displays the company identifier for any company that has access rights for the account.
Company Access - Company Name This column displays the company name for any company that has access rights for the account.