Change How Rows Are Sorted in a User-Defined Grid in a Hub

User Screen Designer to change how rows are sorted in user-defined grids in a hub.

To change how rows are sorted in a user-defined grid in a hub:

  1. In the Navigation pane in the browser application, open Screen Designer in one of the following ways:
    • Go to the Hubs section and select the hub that you want to customize, or go to the Settings section and select Accounting > Chart of Accounts to customize Chart of Accounts. On the form, select Design from the Other Actions drop-down menu.
    • Go to the Settings section and select Screen Designer. In the drop-down list in the title bar of the Screen Designer form, select the application that you want to customize.
  2. On the Screen Designer form, click the tab on which the grid is located.
  3. On the tab, click the grid whose sort order for rows you want to change.
  4. In the Grid Properties section of the actions and properties pane of the Screen Designer form, click beside the Field Type field.
  5. In the Grid Columns section of the Grid Setting dialog box, select the Sort By check box for the column that you want to sort the grid rows by. You can select only one column to sort by. For example, if you have columns A, B, and C in a grid and you select the Sort By check box for column A, the numerous rows that users add to the grid will be ordered in the grid (from top to bottom) based on the entry made in column A for each row. If the sort-by column is a character type column, the rows in the grid are sorted in alphanumeric order; if the sort-by column is a numeric type column, the rows in the grid are sorted in numeric order; and so on.
  6. On the Grid Settings dialog box, click Save.
  7. In the actions and properties pane of the Screen Designer form, click Save.