Contents of the Field Settings Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box when you add a user-defined field to a hub using Screen Designer in the browser application.

The fields on this tab vary, based on the type of field that you are adding to the hub. The fields and options listed in this help topic are all the possible fields that you may see on the dialog box.


Field Description
Default Value Enter a default value to prefill in the user-defined field when a user enters a new record in the hub. Users can change the prefilled value.
Desktop Application Tab This field displays only for user-defined fields that you add to the Employees or Projects hub. These hubs are in both the browser- and desktop-based applications.

In the Desktop Application Tab field, select the hub's tab from the desktop application on which you want to add the user-defined field, in addition to adding the new field to the hub's tab in the browser application.

Mapped Opportunity Field This field displays only when you add a field in the Projects hub. Select a user-defined field from the Opportunities hub to map to the field that you are adding to the Projects hub. This allows the field in the Projects hub to be populated automatically when a project is created from an opportunity.
Mapped Project Field This field displays only when you add a field in the Opportunities hub. Select a user-defined field from the Projects hub to map to the field that you are adding to the Opportunities hub. This allows the field in the Projects hub to be populated automatically when a project is created from an opportunity.
Currency Type This field displays if you use multiple currencies and you selected Currency in the Field Type field on the Add Field dialog box for a user-defined field. Select one of the following currency types in this field:
  • Record: This currency type is available for all hubs except the Projects and Activities hubs. When you select Record as the currency type, a User Defined Currency Code field is added to the Overview tab for the hub. Users must enter the currency amount in the new field in the currency that is entered for the hub record in the User Defined Currency Code field on the Overview tab.
  • Specific: Users must enter the currency amount in the field using the currency that you specify in the Currency field below the Currency Type field.
Currency This field displays when you select Specific in the Currency Type field for a currency type field. Select the currency in which users must enter the currency amount in the field. The list of possible currencies is based on the currencies that you set up in Settings > General > Currency in the desktop application.
Min Value This field applies for numeric and currency type fields. To require that the values that users enter in the field are equal to or more than a minimum value, enter that minimum value in this field.
Max Value This field applies for numeric and currency type fields. To require that the values that users enter in the field are less than or equal to a maximum value, enter that maximum value in this field.
Include in Report Total This check box displays only for numeric and currency type fields. Select the check box to include totals for this field in the total rows of reports that include this field as a column in a report.
Values Grid This grid displays only for dropdown type fields. Enter the items to include in the field's drop-down list that users can select in the field.

Click + Add Value and enter an item for the drop-down list. Click the Default check box for any value that you want to prefill in the drop-down field by default. Users can change the entry in the prefilled field when they enter a record in the hub.

The items in the drop-down list will appear in the order that you enter them in the Values grid. To change the order, hover over a row, click the drag handle icon to the left of a value name, drag the row up or down in the grid, and drop it in the desired location.

To delete a value from the drop-down list, hover over the row in the grid, and click X at the end of the row. The value is deleted from the drop-down list for the field going forward. If the value was previously selected and saved in the field for a hub record, the value is not automatically deleted from the field for the hub record. To remove the value from the field for a record, click in the field, and it is automatically cleared.

Limit Entry to Values List This check box displays only for dropdown type fields. Select this check box to require that users select only from the drop-down list in the field. Users will not be allowed to type an entry in the field. Clear this check box if you want to allow users to enter values that are not in the drop-down list in this field.
Decimal Places If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, use the Decimals field to specify the number of decimal places to display for numbers.
Touch CRM Section This field displays only if you are adding a field to the Contacts, Firms, or Opportunities hubs and you use Touch CRM (you have the CRM or CRM Plus module installed).

Click , in this field, and select the section on the Misc. tab in Touch CRM in which you want the field to display. If you leave this field blank, the field will not display in Touch CRM.

To create a new section on the fly, click + Add Section at the bottom of the drop-down list. In the Touch CRM Sections dialog box, enter name for the new section in which it will display in Touch CRM. Adding a new section this way is the same as adding a new section by clicking Manage Touch CRM Sections in the Actions section of the actions and properties pane on the Screen Designer form. When you set up sections on the Touch CRM Sections dialog box, you can also change the name of the Misc. tab.

The fields that display left to right on the Screen Designer form, display from top to bottom on the screen in Touch CRM.

The Touch CRM Section field does not display if the type of the user-defined field is Date/Time or Phone and you are adding the field to the Contacts, Firms, or Opportunities hubs. You cannot add these type of user-defined fields to a Touch CRM section in those hubs.

Default Search Field This check box displays when you add a field to a user-defined hub. Select this check box to allow users to search by this field when using the Custom Search dialog box to search for a hub record.