Name Fields in User-Defined Hubs

You can add up to three name type fields in a user-defined hub.

This applies for user-defined hubs that you create with Screen Designer in the browser application. This allows you, for example, to have separate fields for the first, middle, and last name of a person. When you add name type fields to a user-defined hub, you select Name in the Field Type field on the Add field dialog box.

When you create a user-defined hub, you also select Name or Number in the Display in Page Title field on the Create Hub dialog box or the Hub Preferences dialog box to determine whether the hub record's name or number displays at the top of the hub form to identify the record that you have open in the hub. If you select Name in this field and you added three name type fields to the hub, all three names will display at the top of the hub form. The order that you place the name fields in the hub determines the order in which they appear concatenated at the top of the hub form. DPS looks at the order of the name fields from top to bottom if the name fields are all on the summary panel; from left to right and then top to bottom if the name fields are all on one tab; and from tabs left to right if the name fields are on different tabs.