
If you are new to DPS, you may find it helpful to become familiar with the terms that are used throughout the application and documentation.


Field Description
Browser and Desktop Applications The DPS user interface provides a mix of features in both a web-based browser interface and a desktop (Smart Client) interface. Some functionality, such as the Employee and Project hubs, exist in both interfaces. The default interface is the browser application. In cases where functionality is accessed through the desktop application or both applications, this is indicated in the help topics.
Navigation Pane The Navigation pane is located on the left side of the DPS screen. It provides access to all of the applications in DPS. When you click an application in the Navigation pane, the application opens on the right side of the screen.

To hide or display the Navigation Pane, click in the DPS toolbar.

Records A record is a collection of data pertaining to an individual item (such as a project, employee, or contact). Information about the record is collected on various forms. For example, each project is a record that contains data from the Overview, Team, and other tabs in the Projects Hub. Depending on your security role, you can modify, copy, or delete an existing record. You can add new records at any time if you have security rights. You create and maintain records in the Hubs.
Tabs DPS applications are organized in a tabular format. The tabs in an application may contain fields and/or grids on which you enter or modify information.
Dialog Boxes Dialog boxes display as pop-up windows in the DPS application. Dialog boxes may contain fields and grids for entering information. Dialog boxes display when you click certain Navigation menu options as well as certain toolbar and field-level icons.
Fields Fields display on tabs and dialog boxes. Use fields to enter and maintain data for a record or transaction. Some fields are display-only; you cannot enter or edit data in these fields. These fields are grayed out on your screen.
Grids Grids display on tabs and dialog boxes. A grid is essentially a collection of fields arranged using columns and rows. Use grids to enter, maintain, and view data for a record or transaction. Grids make it easy for you to sort and organize data. You can sort data in most grids by clicking a grid column heading to establish a sort order (ascending or descending). Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
Options Options are selections or choices that appear on a menu or form. Options usually display in drop-down lists.
Settings In addition to standard system setup options, DPS offers a variety of ways for you to change the look and feel of the application, such as renaming tabs and labels, adding new tabs, and reformatting your Dashboard. See the Settings section of the help to learn more.