Contents of the Copy Budget Amounts Dialog Box

Use the fields to specify the source of budget amounts that you want to copy.

Field Description
Year If you select Income Statement or Balance Sheet in the Copy Amounts From field, select the year of the Income Statement or Balance Sheet that contains the budget amounts to copy.
Copy Amounts From Select the source of the budget amounts that you want to copy.
  • Another Budget: Select this option to activate the From Budget lookup, where you can choose one or more consolidated general ledger budgets as the source to copy from.
  • Detail Budget: Select this option to activate the From Budget lookup, where you can choose one or more detail general ledger budgets as the source to copy from.
  • Income Statement: Select this option to copy amounts from the income statement.
  • Balance Sheet: Select this option to copy amounts from the balance sheet.
From Budget If you select Another Budget or Detail Budget in the Copy Amounts From field, use this lookup to select budget(s) to use as the source. When you select more than one budget, the From Budget fields display Selected Budgets.

If you use multiple currencies, this lookup is filtered to only display budgets that match the currency of the reporting group.

From Organization This option displays if you select Detail Budget as the budget source. Use the Organization lookup to select one or more organizations from which to copy actuals. This is useful for applying financials from multiple organizations and when you want to create a future budget that is based on the actuals from the prior year.

When multiple organizations are selected, DPS sums the values from each budget to become the copy amount. You cannot view the break out of individual budget amounts once the values are copied.

The Organization lookup includes all organizations that your security role can access and that have the same functional currency. You can choose to include the top level or a subset of the organizations, as needed.

Period Range Select the range of periods from which to copy amounts.
Annualize amounts into annual budget If you select this option, DPS adds up the amounts for each period and enters the total in the Annual field on the Budget grid.

If you do not select this option, DPS leaves the Annual fields blank. To display a total amount in the Annual field, click Reset Annual.

Copy for all accounts Select this option to copy amounts for all accounts in the selected budget.