Contents of the Setup Budget Accounts Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to set up budget accounts. You specify the source of the accounts, how to handle duplicate account numbers, and select the accounts to import.

Field Description
Accounts From Select the source of the accounts that you want to import.
Available Accounts Select one or more accounts in this field and then click Select to move the highlighted accounts to the Accounts to Import field.
Replace matching account numbers when importing Select this option if you have accounts specified on your budget and want to replace any duplicate account numbers/names when you import accounts. You cannot have duplicate account numbers in a budget. If you do not select this option and duplicates are found, the original account numbers or names are retained.
Select Select the accounts to import from the Available Accounts field and then click Select to move the accounts to the Accounts to Import field.
Remove To remove accounts you have selected for import from the Accounts to Import field, select one or more accounts and then click Remove.
Select All Click this option to move all accounts from the Available Accounts field to the Accounts to Import field.
Remove All Click this option to move all accounts from the Accounts to Import field back to the Available Accounts field.
Accounts to Import This field lists all accounts that will be imported to the current budget when you click OK.