Contents of the Email Configuration Dialog Box

Specify the users or security roles and their approval settings.

These field descriptions apply to all three tabs on this dialog box: To, CC, and BCC.
Field Description
Emails Enter the email address of one or more people who will receive the alert. Enter a semicolon between each email address.
Users Click and use the lookup to select the people who will receive the alert, based on usernames set up in Security > Users.
Security Roles Click and use the lookup to select the employees who will receive the alert based on their security role, which is assigned in Security > Users.
Approval Roles Enter the employees you want to receive the email alert based on their assigned responsibility, such as project manager, project biller, and approval administrator. To make a different selection than the one that prefills in this field, click in this field to open the Fields Selection dialog box. The options on the Field Selection the dialog box are based on the application that you selected in the Application field on the General tab of the Approvals Configuration form for the approval workflow.
Some of the options are:
  • Approval Administrator: This is the employee who is specified as the approval administrator for an approval workflow on the General tab of the Approvals Configuration form.
  • Create User: This is the employee who created the record that is going through the approval process.
  • Currently Assigned: This is the employee or employees who are currently assigned to the approval workflow step.
  • Principal, Project Manager, and Project Supervisor: These responsibilities are specified for a project in the Projects hub.
  • Company Buyer: This is the employee or employees who are specified as a company buyer on the Buyer tab in Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings Configuration.
Attach Uploaded Files to Email Alert If the approval workflow is for the AP Invoice Approvals application, select this check box to attach the AP vendor invoices that have been uploaded (in Accounting > AP Invoice Approvals) to the approval email alert.
Subject and Insert Field Enter the subject for the email alert. Type the text in this field. To insert a field in the subject, such as the approval due date, put your cursor in the appropriate location in the text in the Subject field, and click the Insert Field button. On the Column Selection dialog box, select the field to insert.
  1. In the Subject field, enter Purchase Requisitions are awaiting your approval. Due on .
  2. Place your cursor before the period at the end of the text and click Insert Field.
  3. On the Column Selection dialog box, select [:ApprovalItem.DueDate] and click OK.

    The Subject field now displays Purchase Requisitions are awaiting your approval. Due on [:ApprovalItem.DueDate]..

    When the email alert is sent to recipients (and the due date for the approval step is 11/10/2014), the subject of the email will be displayed as Purchase Requisitions are awaiting your approval. Due on 11/10/2014.

Body Enter the message for the email alert. Type the text in this field. To insert a field in the body, such as the approval due date, put your cursor in the appropriate location in the text in the Body field, and click the Insert Field option on the Body toolbar. On the Column Selection dialog box, select the field to insert.
  1. In the Body field, type The following purchase requisitions are awaiting your approval:
  2. Place your cursor after the colon, and click Insert Field.
  3. On the Column Selection dialog box, select [:POPRMaster.RequisitionNo] and click OK.

    The Body field now displays The following purchase requisitions are awaiting your approval: [:POPRMaster.RequisitionNo].

    When the email alert is sent to recipients (and the PO requisition number is 115-73), the body of the email displays The following purchase requisitions are awaiting your approval: 115-73

You can also use the Text Editor to enter and format the text.