Contents of the Assign Invoice Dialog Box

Create invoices and credit memos with custom or system-generated numbers.

Field Description
Next Available Select this option to have DPS automatically assign the next available number to the invoice or credit memo. The next available invoice number comes from either:
  • The Next Company Wide Invoice Number field on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing, if you use the Companywide invoice numbering method. This field prefills with the invoice number on the General tab of Billing Configuration, which you can change on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  • The Next Invoice Number field on the Misc tab in Billing Terms for a project, if you use the Project invoice numbering method.

You specify the invoice numbering method setting on the General tab of Billing Configuration.

Specific Number To use a number other than the next available invoice number, select this option and enter the specific number for the invoice or credit memo.

The number that you enter does not affect the Next Company Wide Invoice Number field in Billing Configuration or the Next Invoice Number field in Billing Terms. It affects only the invoice or credit memo that you are currently creating.

If you enter a number that has been used previously for a project, you receive the message "You cannot use an existing invoice or credit memo number."

If you enter a number that has been used previously for other projects, DPS displays a warning message. You can still use the previously used number. However, if you generate an invoice using a previously used invoice number, the invoice or credit memo that already has that number will no longer be available to print.

OK If you are creating an invoice: Click OK to return to the Interactive Billing form. If you assigned a different invoice number, it displays in the Invoice field on the General tab.

If you are creating a credit memo: Click OK to accept the credit memo and return to the Invoices on File dialog box where you see the credit memo in the list of invoices in this dialog box.

If you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature, when you click OK and either of the following is true, the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box displays.

  • You selected No on the credit memo dialog box that asked "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?"
  • You selected Yes on the credit memo dialog box that asked "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?," and the credit memo amount was less than the original invoice amount.
Cancel Click this option to return to the previous form or dialog box without creating an invoice or credit memo.