Contents of the Bill Retainage Dialog Box

You can view and modify bill retainage information.

Field Description
Invoice This field displays the invoice number of each invoice that includes retainage that has not yet been billed.
Date This field displays the date specified in the Invoice Date field of the Billing Session Options dialog for the session in which the original invoice was made final.
Project This field displays the project number of the project associated with the invoice.
Phase This field displays the phase number, if applicable, of the phase associated with the invoice.
Task This field displays the task number, if applicable, of the task associated with the invoice.
Invoiced DPS displays the total amount of the original invoice less any credit memo amounts.
Received This field displays the amount received from the client and posted through cash receipts transaction posting.
Retainage DPS calculates and displays the retainage amount withheld from the original invoice, based on the retainage settings specified on the Misc tab of the project, phase, or task's billing terms form. The retainage amount also includes retainage from any credit memos that apply to the invoice.
Due DPS calculates and displays the amount due from the client by subtracting the amount of retainage and cash receipts from the total invoice amount. This amount includes any credit memos applied to the invoice.
Close Click this option to close the dialog box when you are finished.
Preview Click this option to view the retainage invoice as it would appear if you billed retainage for the currently selected invoices.
Bill Select one ore more invoices for the current project, phase, or task and click Bill to create an invoice file for the retainage amount that you want to bill for the project, phase, or task.

When you click Bill, the retainage amounts held in the temporary retainage accounts are re-categorized to accounts receivable accounts, as specified through Invoice Account Mapping Configuration.

Help Click this option to view Help for this dialog box.