Contents of the Billing Expense Modify Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to view and modify transaction details and tax code override information.


Field Description
Project These fields display the project number and name of the project that is associated with the transaction.
Phase These fields display the phase number and name if a phase is associated with the transaction.
Task These fields display the task number and name if a task is associated with the transaction.
Account This field displays the expense account number and name for the general ledger account that is associated with the transaction.
Type This field displays the code that represents the type of transaction (for example, JE for journal entry).
Ref. No. This field displays the reference number that is associated with this charge.
Date Enter the transaction date, or click Calendar and select a date from the calendar.
Description Enter descriptive text to associate with the transaction.
Amount Enter the total monetary charge amount for the transaction. Any changes you make to the amount are for billing purposes only and do not make any adjusting entries to the general ledger.

The following information applies if the expense item is a reimbursable or consultant expense that was generated from a voucher that you created using the Create Voucher from PO application, and you selected the Show Purchase Order Line Item Detail check box in the Expense Terms or Consultant Terms sections on the Expenses/Units tab in Billing Terms for the project: This field displays the amount calculated from the entries in the Quantity and Unit Price fields on this dialog box. You cannot change the amount.

Quantity This field displays if the expense item is a reimbursable or consultant expense that was generated from a voucher that you created using the Create Voucher from PO application and you selected the Show Purchase Order Line Item Detail check box in the Expense Terms or Consultant Terms sections on the Expenses/Units tab in Billing Terms for the project.

The quantity in this field prefills from the purchase order. You can change the quantity for billing purposes, which will not impact the voucher or purchase order. DPS recalculates the amount in the Amount field based on the entries in the Quantity and Unit Price fields.

Unit Price This field displays if the expense item is a reimbursable or consultant expense that was generated from a voucher that you created using the Create Voucher from PO application and you selected the Show Purchase Order Line Item Detail check box in the Expense Terms or Consultant Terms sections on the Expenses/Units tab in Billing Terms for the project.

This field displays the unit price for the expense item from the purchase order, which you cannot change.

Tax Code Override 1 From the drop-down list, select the first tax code to use to calculate taxes for the expense transaction that you are modifying. This tax code will override the first default tax code that is entered for the billing terms for the project (in the Tax Codes grid on the Misc tab of the Billing Terms form). The first default tax code for an expense transaction is the default tax code entered for the project's billing terms that has the first (lowest) sequence number with the Expense Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes.

The drop-down list in the Tax Code Override 1 field includes tax codes with an active status that have the Expense Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes. The tax codes can also have other check boxes selected in the Outputs section and check boxes selected in the Inputs section on the Tax Codes tab. Tax codes with check boxes selected only in the Inputs section are not included in the drop-down list.

Tax Code Override 2 From the drop-down list, select the second tax code to use to calculate taxes for the expense transaction that you are modifying. This tax code will override the second default tax code that is entered for the billing terms for the project (in the Tax Codes grid on the Misc tab of the Billing Terms form). The second default tax code for an expense transaction is the default tax code entered for the project's billing terms that has the second lowest sequence number with the Expense Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes.

The drop-down list in the Tax Code Override 2 field includes tax codes with an active status that have the Expense Billing check box selected in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes tab in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes. The tax codes can also have other check boxes selected in the Outputs section and check boxes selected in the Inputs section on the Tax Codes tab. Tax codes with check boxes selected only in the Inputs section are not included in the drop-down list.


Field Description
OK Click this button to save the entries on this dialog box and return to the Expense tab of the Interactive Billing form.
Cancel Click this button to discard any changes that you made on this dialog box and return to the Expense tab of the Interactive Billing form.
Help Click this button to open the help topic for this dialog box.