Contents of the Employee Realization Allocation Form in Employee Realization

Use these fields and options to modify employee realization information.

Field Description
Run Click this option to allocate employee realization amounts. The calculations then display on the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box. You can adjust realization amounts on this dialog box.

After you allocate employee realization, the amounts display on the following reports:

  • Employee Labor Detail (Reporting > Employee)
  • Time Analysis (Reporting > Employee)
  • Invoice Transaction Detail Report (Reporting > Billing)
Saved Options Click and select a saved set of the options that you previously created for this form.
Organize Click this button to open the Organize Options dialog box and create a saved set of options for this form.
Default Click this button if you modified the settings on this form and you want to return to the original settings provided by DPS.
Select Specific Projects Click to open the Project Lookup. Select the project or projects for which to calculate employee realization.

Projects with a project status of dormant or inactive can have realization amounts because they can have invoices charged to them.

Promotional projects can have realization amounts from labor adjustments or employee-specific units applied, but not from invoices.

If you use multiple companies, the Project lookup includes only projects that belong to the active company.

Range of Accounting Periods From Select this check box to determine the range of accounting periods to use for the realization allocation. Then select the beginning period and the ending period from the drop-down lists in the fields beside the check box.

The range of accounting periods determines the following to include in the realization calculation:

  • Invoices: This includes both invoices and credit memos.
  • Timesheets: This includes timesheets, billing transfers, and billing inserts.
  • Employee-specific units: This includes units from timesheets and units that are transferred or inserted in Billing.
  • Labor adjustments: Labor adjustments are included only when you select the Include Labor Adjustments check box on this screen.

If you clear this check box, when you run the Employee Realization Allocation process, the time records and units for the selected projects for all periods in your database will be processed for employee realization. This means that any time records that do not have realization amounts (because they were posted before the Employee Realization Reporting feature was turned on) will get updated with realization amounts and then allocated to employees. The billing rates from Billing Terms are used to calculate the realization amounts.

Include Labor Adjustments Select this check box if you want labor adjustments that were entered in the Transaction Center to be included in the realization allocation.

The realization amount entered on the Transaction Center Labor Adjustments form is not reset to equal the billing extension when the record is posted as it would be on a regular time record.

After you select the Include Labor Adjustments check box, whether or not a labor adjustment is actually processed in Employee Realization also depends on the Suppress Bill check box setting that you entered for the labor adjustment on the Transaction Center Labor Adjustments form.

  • If you select the Suppress Bill check box for a labor adjustment, the labor adjustment is not processed in Billing > Employee Realization.
  • If you do not select the Suppress Bill check box for a labor adjustment, the labor adjustment is processed in Billing > Employee Realization if it has been billed.
Include Interactive Billing Modifications Select this check box if you want the realization calculation to include billing edits (the modifications, inserts, and deletions that are entered in Interactive Billing). Write-offs and holds are not included in the calculation.

When you do not select this check box, the realization calculation includes only posted timesheets and excludes any billing edits made in Interactive Billing.