Contents of the Invoice Approvals Form

Use the fields and options to view and approve invoices.

Toolbar Options

Field Description
Print Click this option to specify options for the Invoice Approval report and generate the report.
Project Review Click this option to display information for the project on the Project Review form in a separate window.

This option is not available if your security role does not have access to the Project Review form.

Projects Hub Click this option to display the currently selected project in the Projects hub in a separate window. If you have the required security access, you can edit the project information in that window.

This option is not available if your security role does not have access to the Projects hub.

Help Click this option for information about the Invoice Approvals form.

Invoice Selection

Field Description
Status Use these check boxes to filter the list of invoices by invoice approval status.
Project To filter the list of invoices by project, use this field to perform a project lookup and select one or more projects. Click to display the Project Lookup. The lookup only returns projects with invoices in the approval process for which you are the approver or the biller and for which you have the required security access.

If this field is blank, the grid displays all submitted, approved, or rejected invoices for all projects for which you are the approver, rejecter, biller, or an approver's or rejecter's delegate, and for which you have the required security access.

For billing groups, the list only displays the main projects.

Approver To filter the list of invoices by approver, use this field to perform an employee lookup and select one or more employees.The grid only displays submitted, approved, or rejected invoices for which the selected employees are approvers.

If this field is blank, the invoices are not filtered by approver.

If your security access restricts you to projects for which you are the approver, you do not need to use this filter. DPS automatically filters the projects so that only your projects are displayed.

Refresh Invoices Click this option to update the list of invoices in the grid based on your entries in the Invoice Selection Filter fields. This action also refreshes the list of invoices based on whether or not an invoice's status or amount has changed since you opened the Invoice Approval application.

Invoices in Approval Process Grid

Field Description
Invoices in Approval Process Drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Preview Click this button to display the draft invoice. If the billing terms are set up to generate the Billing Backup report, a dialog box displays to give you the option to include the Billing Backup report in the preview.

If the invoice has been downloaded to Microsoft Word or another application for editing, DPS displays that invoice file in the appropriate application when you click Preview, rather than generating a preview version from the current invoice data.

Comments Select an invoice and click this option to display the Billing Comments dialog box, on which you can review or enter comments for the invoice. The dialog box displays a list of approval actions carried out to date and any comments related to the invoice approval process.

To enter a comment, click Insert in the grid toolbar, and enter the comment text in Comment Entry.

When you approve or reject the invoice, the action associated with the new comment changes from In Process to Approved or Rejected.

If it is not already displayed, the Billing Comments dialog box displays automatically when you click Approve or Reject so that you can enter comments for those actions. Whether or not you enter a comment, you must click OK on the Billing Comments dialog box to complete the approval or rejection.

Update Fees If the selected invoice includes fees, click this option to display the Billing Terms form and update the percent complete. Whether or not the invoice has fees, you can also click this option if you want to update the description or other information on the General tab of the Billing Terms form.

This option is only available if the approval status of the invoice is Submitted and if the invoice has not been downloaded to Microsoft Word or another application for editing. You must also have the required security access for the Billing Terms form.

View Details If you need to make changes to the invoice information or want to see more detailed information, click this option to display the invoice information in the Interactive Approvals form.

This option is only available if you have security access to the Interactive Approvals form. To return to the Invoice Approvals form, click Invoice Approvals on the Interactive Approvals toolbar.

Approve Click this option to approve the selected invoice for billing.The Billing Comments dialog box opens when you click this option. Use that dialog box to enter any comments about the approval.

You must click OK on the Billing Comments dialog box to complete the approval. If you click Cancel, the invoice approval status does not change.

This option is only available if the approval status is Submitted and if you are an approver for the project.

Reject Click this option to alert the person responsible for billing to circumstances that prevent the selected invoice from being approved for billing. The Billing Comments dialog box opens when you click this option. Use that dialog box to explain the reason for the rejection.

You must click OK on the Billing Comments dialog box to complete the rejection. If you click Cancel, the invoice approval status does not change.

This option is only available if the approval status of the invoice is Submitted and if you are a rejecter for the project.

Project This field displays the project number. If the invoice is for a billing group, this is the project number of the main project.
Project Name This field displays the project short name. If the invoice is for a billing group, this is the name of the main project.
Client This field displays the billing client name for the project.
Currency Code If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the currency code for the billing currency.
Invoice Total This field displays the total invoice amount in the billing currency. The total for all listed invoices displays at the bottom of the grid.

If you use the Multicurrency feature and the grid contains invoices with different billing currencies, the total at the bottom of the grid displays ######### in place of a currency amount.

Invoice Status This field displays the approval status for the invoice: Submitted, Approved, or Rejected.
Approver This field displays the name of the person who is responsible for approving the invoice. If more than one person is designated as an approver, all are listed. If an approver has specified a delegate on the User Options dialog box, the delegate's name is listed also.
Update by This field displays the name of the person who carried out the most recent approval-related action.
Update Date This field contains the date and time that the latest approval-related action was carried out.
Comments This field displays the first part of the text of the comment related to the current approval status. Click the text to display the complete comment.