Contents of the Invoices on File Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to view invoices and its information.

Invoices on File List — Fields

Field Description
Invoice This field displays the number for an invoice or pre-invoice.
  • If an invoice was accepted and had no current billings, but it still had outstanding accounts receivable amounts, the Invoice column displays <State> to indicate that it is a statement instead of an invoice.
  • An asterisk (*) displays next to the invoice number to indicate that the invoice has been edited in a third-party application, such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. When you click Preview, you can open the edited file in the third-party application or save the file to a local drive or a network drive.
  • Leading zeros display in the invoice number if your firm uses leading zeros.
  • If an invoice is a pre-invoice, an x displays in the Pre-Invoice column in the list.
Invoice Date This field displays the invoice or pre-invoice date, which is the date that was entered in the Invoice Date field of the Billing Session Options dialog box for the session in which the invoice was accepted.
Pre-Invoice This column displays only if the Enable Pre-Invoices check box is selected on the Miscellaneous tab in Configuration > Billing > General. An x displays in the column when an invoice in the list is a pre-invoice.

If you turned the Pre-Invoices feature on, created some pre-invoices, and then turned off the feature, the Pre-Invoices column no longer displays, but previously created pre-invoices display in the grid. In this situation, it is recommended that you turn off the Pre-Invoices feature only after all pre-invoices are paid or canceled, so that no pre-invoices remain in Invoices on File.

File Type This column displays the file type of an edited invoice after you edit the invoice in another software application (such as Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word), upload the edited invoice back into DPS, and then accept the invoice in Interactive Billing.

File types are pdf, rtf, doc, and xls.

Credit Memo If an item in the list is a credit memo, the credit memo number displays in this column. The invoice for which the credit memo applies displays in the Invoice column.


Field Description
Print Select an invoice, pre-invoice, or credit memo in the list, and click this button to print a copy of it.
Preview Select an invoice, pre-invoice, or credit memo in the list, and click this button to view it on the screen.
Credit Memo Select an invoice from the list, and then click this button to create a credit memo for it. You can create credit memos for posted invoices only. You cannot create a credit memo for pre-invoices.
Void This button displays only if your security role has the Allow final processing check box selected on the Accounting tab of Configuration > Security > Roles.

Select an invoice or a credit memo from the list, and then click the Void button to void it. You cannot void pre-invoices.

When you void an invoice, all transaction items that are associated with the invoice are returned to a billable status. You can access the billable transactions on the appropriate tab (Labor, Expenses, or Units) in Interactive Billing. You can then write off the transactions, delete them from billing, place the transactions on hold, or include them on the next invoice.

When you void an invoice that has credit memos generated against it, you must also void the credit memos. Credit memos are not automatically voided when you void the original invoice.

When you void an invoice that was created as part of a billing schedule, DPS automatically clears the Billed check box in the Scheduled Billing grid on the Fees tab of the Billing Terms form. The milestone can then be rebilled in the future.

When you void a credit memo, transactions (labor, expenses, and so on) are not returned to an unbilled status. Instead, the credit memo transactions are reversed.

Delete This button displays only if your security role has the Allow invoices on file to be deleted and the Allow final processing check boxes selected on the Accounting tab of Configuration > Security > Roles.

If you no longer need to print or void an invoice or credit memo, you can delete it. Select an invoice or credit memo in the list, and click this button to delete it. You cannot delete pre-invoices.

When you delete an invoice or a credit memo, it is removed from displaying on the Invoices on File dialog box, and you can no longer reprint or void it. Deleting an invoice or credit memo does not create reversing general ledger entries or change the time and expenses back to unbilled transactions. It does not affect billed-to-date amounts or Accounts Receivable reports.

If you want to create reversing general ledger entries for an invoice or a credit memo, void it.

Deleting invoices or credit memos allows you to maintain a shorter list of invoices and credit memos in the Invoices on File dialog box. This can be helpful if you have a large number of invoices and credit memos to manage. You would delete only the older, paid invoices and credit memos that you no longer need to reprint or void.

Cancel This button applies for pre-invoices only. An x displays in the Pre-Invoice column when an invoice in the list is a pre-invoice.

Select a pre-invoice in the list, and click this button to cancel it. The pre-invoice is canceled immediately. You cannot reverse the cancellation of a pre-invoice.

This cancels the total unpaid amount of a pre-invoice. You cannot cancel a portion of the unpaid pre-invoice.

Canceling a pre-invoice does not affect any general ledger accounts.

If you try to cancel a pre-invoice that is still going through the approval process, you receive a message telling you that you cannot cancel it.

If you try to cancel a pre-invoice that has already been canceled, you receive a message that it is already canceled.

Unpaid pre-invoices are also canceled automatically when you generate a regular (draft or final) invoice for a project that uses pre-invoices.

Close When you finish processing invoices and credit memos on this dialog box, click this button to close the dialog box and return to the Interactive Billing form.
Help Click this button to view help for this dialog box.