Contents of the Unsubmit Invoice Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to unsubmit invoices.

Field Description
Select Specific Projects
Click Search in the Select Specific Projects field to open the Project Lookup and select the projects that include the submitted invoices that you need to unsubmit. The projects that display in this lookup are only the projects that:
  • Are in the active company.
  • Your security role can access.
  • Include submitted invoices.

The field displays Selected Projects to indicate that one or more projects are selected.

If the Select Specific Projects field is blank, DPS automatically selects all projects within the active company that your security role can access.

Approval Status
Use the Approval Status options to further refine the search criteria for the projects selected in the Select Specific Projects field.
  • Submitted — Select this option to only include submitted projects. This option is selected by default.
  • Rejected — Select this option to only include rejected projects. Note that if there are comments associated with the rejected projects, these comments are removed from the project's history when they are unsubmitted.
Run Click Run to run the Unsubmit process for the invoices that are associated with the selected project(s).