Contents of the Update Billing Status Form

Use these fields and options to update billing statuses.

Toolbar Options

Field Description
Run Click this option to update the billing status of the selected transactions.
Schedule Click this option to schedule the update process to run at another time (after business hours, for example).

Fields and Options

Field Description
Saved Options Click to select a saved set of options that you previously created for this form.
Organize Click this button to open the Organize Options dialog box, and create a saved set of options for this form.

You can save the set of options for yourself, for all roles, or for a subset of roles, depending on your security access rights.

You can also select Use as Default Options to set the current options as the default. If you do, the current options are selected when you click the Default button on the Update Billing Status form.

Default Click this button if you modified the settings on this form, and you now want to return them to the default settings.
Select Specific Projects Click to open the Project Lookup. Select the project or projects for which you want to update the billing status of transactions.

If you have multiple companies, the Project Lookup dialog box lists only projects that belong to the active company. The exception to this is that projects that are in a billing group, regardless of their owning company, are only listed if the main project for the billing group belongs to the active company.

Range of Accounting Periods Select this check box to select transactions based on a range of accounting periods. Select the beginning period in From and the ending period in To.

DPS includes transactions posted in all accounting periods in the range of periods.

You can also leave one or both of the fields blank:

  • If From is blank, the process includes transactions posted in the To period or any earlier period.
  • If To is blank, the process includes transactions posted in the From period or any later period.
Range of Transaction Dates Select this check box to select transactions based on a range of transaction dates. Select the beginning date in From and the ending date in To.

DPS includes transactions with transaction dates in the range of dates.

You can also leave one of the fields blank:

  • If From is blank, the process includes transactions dated on or before the To date.
  • If To is blank, the process includes transactions dated on or after the From date.
New Billing Status to Assign Select the billing status that you want to assign to the selected transactions: Bill, Hold, Write-off, or Delete. If the security access for your role does not include rights to assign one of these statuses, the selection list does not display that status.
Select Transactions to Update Select one or more of the following check boxes to indicate the types of transactions to include: labor, expense, or units transactions.

If you select Labor Transactions, the process includes both Timesheet transactions and Labor Adjustment transactions.

If you only want to include historical transactions, do not select any of these check boxes, and select Include Historical Transactions.

Include Historical Transactions Select this check box if you want to include historical labor and expense transactions entered via the History Loading utility.

If this check box is selected, the update process always includes both historical labor and historical expense transactions, regardless of the options selected under Select Transactions to Update.

If you only want to include historical transactions, do not select any of the check boxes under Select Transactions to Update.

When you enter historical labor and expense transactions using the History Loading utility, you can select Prior to current year (period 0) or <current year>00 (for example 201700) as the accounting period for those transactions. Because those periods are not valid options in the Range of Accounting Periods fields, if you want to update the billing status of those transactions, either do not select Range of Accounting Periods or leave the From field blank. (This does not apply to historical transactions entered with a valid accounting period. If Include Historical Transactions is selected, those transactions can be selected for processing based on an accounting period range in the same way that non-historical transactions are.)