Contents of the Credit Card Charges Pane

The Credit Card Charges Pane has the following fields.


Field Description
Credit Card If you have only one company-issued secondary credit card assigned to you, it displays in this field. If you have more than one company-issued secondary credit card assigned to you, click the down-arrow in this field, and select the secondary credit card with charges that you want to display in the Credit Card Charges grid.

Credit Card Charges Grid

Field Description
Date This field displays the date on which the credit card charge transaction occurred. This is the date that is defined during the credit card charges import.
Balance This field displays the remaining amount of an imported charge that has not yet been added to an expense report. The remaining amount is the same as the original amount unless you have split an imported charge among multiple projects, categories, or general ledger accounts, and you have added some but not all of the charge to an expense report.

If you have multiple currencies, the remaining amount is in the transaction currency.

Example of splitting an imported charge between two projects on an expense report:
  1. You add an imported charge to an expense report. The original amount and remaining amount of the charge is $500.
  2. In the expenses grid on the Expense Report form, you edit the row for the imported charge and reduce the original amount of the charge in the Amount field from $500 to $300. You enter Project A in the Project field.

    When you move out of the Amount field, the imported charge displays again in the grid in the Credit Card pane. The amount in the Remaining Amount is $200. The amount in the Original Amount field is $500.

  3. You can now add the imported charge with the remaining amount of $200 to the expense report and enter Project B for it in the Project field in the grid on the Expense Report form.

    You can add the imported charge with a remaining $200 to the same expense report for which you applied some of the original amount, or you can add it to a completely different expense report.

Merchant Description This field displays the merchant or description for a credit card charge, which is imported into DPS from your credit card company. The merchant description helps employees identify a charge that they made.
Original Amount This field displays the original amount of an imported charge. If you use multiple currencies, this amount is in the currency of the transaction. For example, if a United States employee took a trip to Japan and used a US credit card, the amount in the Original Amount field is in the Japanese currency.
Payment Amount This applies if you use multiple currencies. This field displays the transaction amount in the credit card currency. For example, if a United States employee took a trip to Japan and used a US credit card, the amount in the Payment Amount field is in the US currency.
Add to Expense Report Click this button to add the selected credit card transaction to the expense report. The selected credit card transaction is moved from the Credit Card Charges pane as the last expense line in the Expense Reports grid.
Personal Charge This button is visible when the credit card is employee paid. Click this button to remove the selected rows from the Credit Card Charges pane. The charge will not display in Credit Card Reconciliation or Credit Card Review.