Contents of the Travel Detail Dialog Box

Use the fields and options in the dialog box to provide more information about the expense.


Field Description
Expense Date

This field displays the date from the expense row. You can enter a different date or select a date. If you change the date here, it also changes the date for the expense row.


This field displays the description from the expense row if one has been entered. You can enter or change a description in this field. If you do, the Description field on the expense row is also updated.

Show in Detailed Report Select this check box to include the details for the expense item in the Detailed Expense Report.
Business Reason for Expense Enter the business reason for the expense.
Travel From/To Enter your starting location and destination.
Miles or Kilometers Enter the miles or kilometers traveled.

Note: This field label is either Miles or Kilometers, depending on the option selected on the Setup tab of Company Expense Report Configuration form in the desktop application.

If you assign miles/kilometers for an expense, DPS checks the Currency Code column in the Expense Reports grid to ensure that the assigned currency matches the employee's company functional currency. If they are different, an error message displays, the employee's company functional currency is entered in Currency Code, and you cannot change it.

Rate The amount your company reimburses you for travel displays in this field. If your system administrator gave you editing privileges on the Setup tab of the Company Expense Report Configuration form in the desktop application, you can change the rate.
Total DPS uses the entries in Miles (or Kilometers) and Rate to calculate the travel expense amount. It also displays this in Amount on the expense row on the grid.
Clear All & Close Select this button to clear all entries and return the dialog box to the state it is in when a new expense row is inserted and a category chosen.
Save and Cancel Click Save to save your entries and close the dialog box. Details Added displays in the Detail column on the expense report. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and discard any unsaved entries.