Enter Data in an Expense Report

Add or modify expense data on the Expense Report form.

Your expense report processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator defines the settings for expenses. Depending on those settings, some of the steps described in this topic may not apply to your expense reports. Contact your system administrator if you have questions.

To add or modify expense report data:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Expense Report.
  2. Use the search field above the Expense Reports form to search for and select the expense report that you want to submit or create a new expense report.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To update expense information for an existing expense row, click anywhere in that row. The selected row is highlighted.
    • To create a blank row after the last existing row so you can enter a new expense, click + Add Line below the left grid.
    • To insert a blank row after one of the existing rows so you can enter a new expense, hover over or click the existing row so that displays at the end of the row. Click and select Insert.
    • To create a new row by copying the expense information from an existing row, hover over or click the existing row so that displays at the end of the row. Click and select Copy. The new row displays below the row you copied. You can then change any of the information that does not apply to the new expense you want to enter on the row.
  4. Enter the expense data in the fields and columns on the expense report. You can use the TAB key to move to the next field or press SHIFT + TAB key to move to the previous field. A new expense line is also automatically added to the expense report grid when you start entering information in the last field of the row you are working on.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each expense on the expense report.
  6. On the Actions bar, click Save.