Contents of the Form W-2 Electronic Filing Reporting Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to specify information to be included in the W-2 Electronic Filing report.

Field Description
Processing W-2 Year This field displays the W-2 processing year for which you generated W-2 forms.
Kind of Employer Select the kind of employer:
  • F: Federal Government
  • S: State and Local Governmental Employer
  • T: Tax Exempt Employer
  • Y: State and Local Tax Exempt Employer
  • N: None Apply
File Name Enter the name and path of the Electronic Filing report file. The default for this field is W2REPORT.
User ID

Enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN) of the person responsible for the file and attesting to its accuracy. This is generally the same individual who signs the attestation statement on the Form W-3.

The PIN that you enter here is inserted in the Personal Identification Number (PIN) field in the RA Record, position 12-19, and is used as your signature for the file. By entering this PIN, you attest that "under penalties of perjury, you declare that you have examined this file's data and that to the best of your knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete."

Contact Name Enter the name of the person to be contacted by the Social Security Administration (SSA) concerning processing problems.
Contact Phone Number Enter the contact's telephone number, including the area code.
Contact Phone Extension Enter the contact's phone extension, if necessary.
Contact Email Enter the contact's e-mail address. This field is required if you select 1 in the Preferred Method of Notification Code field.
Contact FAX Enter the contact's FAX number, including area code. This field is for United States and United States territories only.
Preferred Method of Notification Code Select one of the following codes to indicate how you would like to be contacted with questions:
  • 1: Email/Internet
  • 2: Postal Service
Resub Indicator Select this option if this file is being resubmitted.
Resub WFID If you selected the Resub Indicator option, enter the WFID (Wage File Identifier) displayed on the notice sent to you by the Social Security Administration.
Terminating Business Indicator Select this option if you have terminated your business during this tax year.
Electronic File Type Select the state for which you are generating an electronic file.
State Employer Account Number Enter the identification number assigned to you by your state for the purpose of filing wage and tax reports to state or local government taxing agencies.
Withholding Paid Enter the amount of withholding taxes paid in the year for which you are reporting.
Note: This field applies only to Idaho and Maryland.
Filing Cycle Select the filing cycle from the drop-down list. Available options are:
  • M: Monthly
  • B: Split Monthly
  • Q: Quarterly
  • Y: Yearly
Note: This field applies only to Idaho.
Late Filing Penalty Enter the amount of penalty for late filing, if applicable.
Note: This field applies only to Idaho.
Balance Due Penalty Enter the amount of penalty on the balance of withholding taxes due, if applicable.
Note: This field applies only to Idaho.
Interest Due Enter the amount of interest due on the balance of withholding taxes due, if applicable.
Note: This field applies only to Idaho.
Overpayment Handling Select the option to indicate how the overpayment will be handled:
  • C: Credit. If you select this option, the overpayment will be applied as credit.
  • R: Refund. If you select this option, the overpayment will be refunded.
Note: This field applies only to Maryland.
Tax Credits (Form 500CR) Enter the credit amount.
Note: This field applies only to Maryland.
Submission Date Enter the date the State Magnetic Media is filed.
Note: This field applies only to Maryland.
Complete Filing Select this check box to indicate whether or not the report is complete or missing information.
Note: This field applies only to Maryland.
NAICS Code Enter the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to your company.
Note: This field applies only to Maryland.
Family Leave Insurance Select this check box if the company has a family leave insurance plan.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Family Leave Insurance Plan Type Number Code Enter the family leave insurance plan type number code.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Family Leave Insurance Locale Name Select from the drop-down list the family leave insurance locale name.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Disability Plan Select this check box if the company has a disability plan.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Disability Plan Type Number Code Enter the disability plan type number code.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Unemployment Insurance and Health Care Subsidy Local Name Select from the drop-down list the unemployment insurance and health care subsidy local name.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Disability Plan Locale Name Select from the drop-down list the disability plan locale name.
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Test/Production Indicator

Use this drop-down list to indicate whether the electronic filing is for test or production:

  • T: Test
  • P: Production
Note: This field applies only to New Jersey.
Transit Tax Withholding Code

This field displays when you select OR (Oregon) in the Electronic Filing Type field.

Select the withholding code to use to calculate the Oregon statewide transit tax. The drop-down list contains State, Local, and Other type withholding codes.

Create File Click this button to create the file that you will send to the Social Security Administration. The file is created in the location specified in the File Name field.