Cash Receipts for Pre-Invoices

You enter a cash receipt for a pre-invoice in Cash Receipt Transaction Entry as you would for a regular invoice.

On the Cash Receipt form in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry, you enter a pre-invoice in the Pre-Invoice column instead of a regular invoice in the Invoice column in the entry grid.

The general ledger account that is credited when you post a cash receipt for a pre-invoice is the account that is entered in the Pre-Invoice Receipt Offset field on the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General for the company that owns the pre-invoice's project. This is typically a liability account. The account that is debited is the cash account for the cash receipt.

If you use phases, tasks, or both, the cash receipt for a pre-invoice is applied to the phase/task that is entered on the Pre-Invoice tab of the Billing Terms form.

The fee amount from paid pre-invoices is applied automatically to the next regular invoice (final or draft) that you generate for a project. It reduces the total billed amount on the regular invoice. These fee amounts display in the Pre-Invoice section of a regular invoice and reduce the amount of the regular invoice

After a pre-invoice is paid by a client and the cash receipt is posted, you cannot cancel the pre-invoice. Only the unpaid portion of a pre-invoice is canceled when you manually cancel pre-invoices and when DPS automatically cancels pre-invoices when you create final or draft regular invoices.

If you use multiple currencies, only the billing currency is applied for pre-invoices and their cash receipts.

Cash receipts for a pre-invoice are reversed, as they are for a regular invoice, when you undo cash receipts in Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Undo Posting.