Contents of the Cash Receipts Form

After you open a cash receipts transaction file, the fields that display in the header fields at the top of the form apply to the entire transaction. The grid fields represent individual transaction line items.


Field Description

Enter a number by which to reference this transaction.

Deltek recommends that you use today’s date as the reference number for your cash receipts. This will sort the receipts by date in the bank statement reconciliation. If multiple references exist within a single deposit, use a notation on the end of the date.

For example: reference numbers 062817A, 062817B would be deposits A and B for 6/28/17.

If the selected bank has automatic numbering for transactions set up, [AUTONUMBER] displays in this field and you cannot enter a reference number. In this case, the number is based on the reference number specified on the Transaction Auto Number tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System.

Bank Select the bank code to associate with this transaction. The bank code directs the implicit posting for the transaction entry file.
Date Specify the date for this transaction.
Comment Enter a comment for the cash receipt/employee repayment. This field displays Deposit by default (as long as a Reference number is entered).
Diary This field displays only if you have set up a diary for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Use this field to select a diary code for the current transaction or the group of transactions if you are processing a group of transactions, such as in a vendor payment run. The diaries are used to generate diary reports that contain a set of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or to specific fiscal periods. You can assign different diaries (that have different diary types) to different types of transactions.

The Diary drop-down list contains three columns. The first column displays the diary code. The second and third columns display the diary type for the diary code and the description of the diary type.

The drop-down list contains all the diaries that you set up on the Diary Auto Numbering Options section in Transactions Settings that have the same fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions or that have no fiscal period or year entered for them.

If you have multiple companies in DPS, the Diary field drop-down list includes only the diary codes that are set up for the current company. The list also includes IC - Intercompany Diary to capture intercompany transactions.

You cannot delete a transaction after it has been saved with a diary number. If a transaction is incorrect, you can enter zero amounts for the transaction or enter a reversing transaction.

Diary Number This field prefills with an auto-generated number when you save a transaction. The diary numbers tie the specific transactions to debit and credit entries that are posted to the general ledger for the purpose of producing diary reports. The auto numbering ensures that the diary numbers are sequential, based on the order that transactions are posted.

The next number to use for a diary is specified in the Next Diary Number field in the Diaries grid, in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Status This field displays the current status of the transaction file.
Approved By If the transaction file has been approved, this field displays the approver's name.

Cash Receipts Grid Fields

Field Description
Description Enter a description for the cash receipt item.

Use the Invoice lookup to select an invoice for which to apply the cash receipt.

If you use Intercompany Billing in conjunction with the detailed subledgers feature to generate intercompany invoices and you use this field to specify an intercompany invoice, DPS automatically prefills the Account field for this cash receipt transaction with your enterprise's intercompany accounts receivable account.

If you use the Pre-Invoice feature, you can enter an invoice in the Invoice field or a pre-invoice in the Pre-Invoice field for a cash receipt, but not both.

Project When you enter an invoice in the Invoice field, this field prefills with the project that is associated with the invoice. Alternatively, you can leave the Invoice field blank, select a project from the Project lookup in this field, and then use the Invoice lookup in the Invoice field to select from a list of invoices specific to the project that you entered in the Project field.
Pre-Invoice This field displays if either of the following are true:
  • The Enable Pre-Invoices check box is selected on the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General for the active company.
  • You have multiple companies, the Enable Pre-Invoices check box is selected for at least one other company in General Billing Settings, and your security role has the Allow cash receipts for other companies option enabled on the Accounting tab in Roles Security.

This field is enabled only after you enter a project in the Project field.

Enter a pre-invoice number or select one on the Pre-Invoice lookup. You can enter an invoice in the Invoice field or a pre-invoice in the Pre-Invoice field for a cash receipt, but not both.

Phase If you use phases (WBS2):
  • For a cash receipt for a regular invoice, this field prefills with the phase that is associated with the invoice's project. You can override the prefilled phase.
  • For a cash receipt that is for a pre-invoice, this field prefills with the phase that is entered in Phase to Post field on the Pre-Invoice tab in Billing Terms for a project. You cannot override the prefilled phase.
Task If you use tasks (WBS3):
  • For a cash receipt for a regular invoice, this field prefills with the task for the phase that is associated with the invoice's project. You can override the prefilled task.
  • For a cash receipt that is for a pre-invoice, this field prefills with the phase that is entered in the Task to Post field on the Pre-Invoice tab in Billing Terms for a project. You cannot override the prefilled task.
Tax Code This field displays only if the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab (Settings > Accounting > Company).

From the drop-down list, select the tax code for the cash receipt. The list displays tax codes that have been set up in Taxes Settings as output taxes with an active status. An output tax has at least one check box selected in the Outputs section of the Tax Codes tab in Settings > Accounting > Taxes.

If the invoice that you selected in the Invoice field in this grid contains a tax item, the tax code for that item prefills in the Tax Code field even if the tax's status has been changed to inactive and it is no longer an output tax. In this scenario, if the tax no longer has a general ledger account entered for it in Taxes Settings, you cannot post the cash receipt. You must add an account in the Account field for the tax code, and then post the cash receipt transaction file.

Account This field prefills with the account (usually an accounts receivable account) that will be credited when you post a cash receipt transaction entry file. When you enter an invoice in the Invoice field in this grid, the Account field prefills with the accounts receivable account that is mapped to an invoice account entered for the active company on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab in Settings > Accounting > Accounts Receivable. If no accounts receivable account is mapped, the Account field prefills with the accounts receivable account that is entered for your company in the Company Accounts section of the Accounts tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

When you enter an intercompany invoice in the Invoice field, the Account field prefills with the intercompany accounts receivable account for your enterprise that is entered in the Intercompany Accounts section of the Accounts tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

When you enter a pre-invoice in the Pre-Invoice field, the Account field prefills with the account that is entered in the Pre-Invoice Receipt Offset field on the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General. If you enter a partial cash receipt for the pre-invoice and then change the account when you enter another partial cash receipt, when the pre-invoice is applied to a regular invoice, the full amount paid will be debited to the last credit account used.

You can override the account in this field, but it is not recommended.

Receipt Amount

This field prefills with the amount of the invoice or pre-invoice that you selected in the Invoice or Pre-Invoice field in this grid.

If you do not enter an invoice, then enter the amount of the cash receipt directly in the Receipt Amount field.

Exchange Override Rate

If you use multiple currencies, you can use this field to override the exchange rate for a single line item.

DPS stores each transaction amount that you enter in the currency that you selected on the New File dialog box. DPS also stores the amount in the functional currency of the company that owns (via organization structure) the project, phase, or task charged for the transaction. If the transaction currency and functional currency differ, DPS uses the daily exchange rates that you establish in Settings to calculate the amount in the functional currency. Usually, a transaction is recorded using the exchange rate in effect on the date the transaction took place, unless you specify an override in this field.

Tax Basis This field displays only if the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab. The amount in the Tax Basis field prefills, based on the entry that you make in the Tax Code field and the Receipt Amount field. You can override the prefilled entry and enter a different tax basis.
Source Currency Code For invoice receipts, this is the billing currency specified on the invoice.
Source Balance For invoice receipts, this is the outstanding balance of the invoice.
Source Relief For invoice receipts, this is the amount in the source currency that will be applied to the balance of the invoice. If the receipt currency is the same as the source currency, then this field is read-only. For non-invoice receipts, this field is blank (and read-only).

Select this check box if the client is paying off an interest charge. This option is available only if a revenue account is entered in the Account field.

This check box is not enabled when you enter a pre-invoice in the Pre-Invoice field in this grid.


Select this check box if the line item is a retainer amount. A retainer is an advance amount collected from a client prior to work beginning on a project. The amount of the retainer is typically stipulated in the client's contract.

This check box is not enabled when you enter a pre-invoice in the Pre-Invoice field in this grid.

Due From Company

DPS enables this field if you use multiple companies and an intercompany account is selected in the Account field. Use this drop-down list to select the company from which the account balance is due. The drop-down lists all companies other than the company that owns the project/phase/task.

If you also use Intercompany Billing, your company can generate intercompany invoices and AP vouchers. In this case, the Due From Company field is filled in with the name of the company from which the balance is due. You must also enter a Due From company on any record associated with an Account defined in the Intercompany Billing feature.

  • This field is required when you select an account that is defined as a journal entry account or transfer cost account in Intercompany Billing.
  • This field is available but not required when you enter an account associated with a tax code defined in Intercompany Billing.