Contents of the Employee Expenses Form

After you open an employee expenses transaction file, the fields that display in the header fields at the top of the form apply to the entire transaction. The grid fields represent individual transaction line items.


Field Description
Employee Enter the employee number use the Employee lookup to select one.
Report Date Specify the date for this expense report.
Report Name Enter a descriptive name for the expense report.

This field displays the current status of the transaction file.

This field displays only if you selected the Enable transaction center approval check box on the Transaction Center Approvals tab in Settings > Accounting > Company, and you enabled the approval feature for employee expense transactions.

Approved By

If the transaction file has been approved, this field displays the name of the employee who approved it.

This field displays only if you selected the Enable transaction center approval check box on the Transaction Center Approvals tab and you enabled the approval feature for employee expense transactions.

Employee Expenses Grid Toolbar Options

Field Description
Insert Click this icon to insert a row into the employee expenses grid, and enter an expense item in the row.
Copy To create a new expense item, you can select an existing expense item in the grid to copy, and then click this icon to copy the information in that row into a new row. Then you can edit the information in the new row as needed.
Delete To delete an expense item from an expense report, select the row in the grid that you want to delete, and then click this icon.

Employee Expenses Grid Fields

Enter each employee expense item in a separate row in the grid.

Field Description
Date Specify the date for this transaction.
Description Enter a description for the expense item.
Project Enter the project number or select a project from the Project lookup.
Phase Enter the phase number or select a phase from the Phase lookup.
Task Enter the task number or select a task from the Task lookup.
Account Enter the general ledger account for the expense item. The project type and account number must be compatible. If the disbursement is for a regular project, enter a reimbursable or direct account. If the disbursement is for an overhead project, enter an indirect account.

Enter the account number in the Account field or use the Account lookup to select an account.

  • If a default tax code has been entered on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings, then the default tax code displays in this field. You can modify the code.
  • If you are using an expense category, a category-specific default tax code may automatically display in this field. You can modify a category-specific default tax code only if your system administrator has selected the Tax Code Editable option on the Expense Report Categories form in Expense Report Settings.

If you use multiple currencies and a currency has been specified for this account (on the General tab of the Accounts Info Center), the account is a foreign denominated account. All transactions affecting a foreign denominated account must be in the same currency.

Currency Code

If you use multiple currencies, this field prefills with the transaction currency that you selected on the New File dialog box when you created the transaction file. You can select a different currency from the drop-down list.

For example, if an employee submitted an expense report following a trip, you might enter USD, EUR, and CAD as currencies for various line items. This makes it easier for you to match source documents, such as hotel receipts, to the charges on the expense report.


Enter the amount for the expense item. This amount prefills in the Payment Amount field in the grid.

If you use the Tax Auditing feature (the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company), the following fields in this grid prefill with calculated amounts after you enter an amount in the Amount field:
  • Total Tax Amount
  • Net Amount

Net Amount = AmountTotal Tax Amount (unless the tax code is a reverse charge tax).

If you change the amount in the Net Amount field, the amount in the Amount field is recalculated automatically.

Total Tax Amount

This field displays only if you use the Tax Auditing feature ((the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company).

This field prefills with the calculated tax amount for an employee expense item after you enter an amount in the Amount field. The calculation is based on the amount in the Amount field and the default tax codes that were entered on the New File dialog box. (This dialog box displayed when you entered a new transaction file for the employee expense transaction entry.)

The amount in the Total Tax Amount field is used to calculate the amount in the Net Amount field. If you change the amount in the Net Amount field, the total tax amount is recalculated automatically.

The tax amount that is automatically calculated, or the 0.00 that displays in this field if no tax codes are entered, is a blue underlined hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to open the Tax Codes dialog box where you can change the tax codes to recalculate the taxes. Or, you can directly change the tax amounts.

The amount in the Total Tax Amount field includes reverse charge tax amounts if a reverse charge tax was applied to an employee expense.

If you change the tax amount in the Total Tax Amount field, the amount in the Net Amount field is recalculated automatically unless the tax code is a reverse charge tax.

Originating Vendor

This field displays only if you selected the Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and AP Vouchers check box on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

Enter the vendor in this field or use the Vendor lookup to select the vendor from whom the expense item was originally purchased. For example, an employee may have paid for a hotel room and a plane ticket. You can associate the expense items with the specific hotel and airlines vendor.

You can select active or inactive vendors, but not dormant vendors.

If you have multiple companies DPS, you can select only vendors who are approved for use for processing for the active company. These vendors have the Approved for use in processing <company name> check box selected on the Vendor tab in the Firms hub.

Net Amount

This field displays only if the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab.

This field prefills with the amount in the Amount field less the amount in the Total Tax Amount field (Amount – Total Tax Amount).

The amount in the Net Amount field is not decreased by a reverse charge tax amount if a reverse charge tax was applied to an employee expense.

If you change the amount in the Amount field or the Total Tax Amount field, the amount in the Net Amount field is recalculated automatically.

Exchange Override Rate If you use multiple currencies, you can use this field to override the exchange rate for a single line item.

DPS stores each transaction amount that you enter in the currency that you selected on the New File dialog box. DPS also stores the amount in the functional currency of the company that owns (via organization structure) the project, phase, or task charged for the transaction. If the transaction currency and functional currency differ, DPS uses the daily exchange rates that you establish in Settings to calculate the amount in the functional currency. Usually, a transaction is recorded using the exchange rate in effect on the date the transaction took place, unless you specify an override in this field.

Payment Amount

This field prefills with the amount from the Amount field. This is the amount to be paid.

If you use multiple currencies, employee expenses are always paid in the functional currency of the employee's home company (specified via organization codes). If the payment currency is different from the transaction currency, this field shows the translated amount.

You can also manually enter the payment amount in this field if there is no exchange rate that would yield the exact payment amount for the expense.

The amount in the Payment Amount field is not increased or decreased by a reverse charge tax amount if a reverse charge tax was applied to an employee expense.

Payment Exchange Rate If you use multiple currencies, employee expenses are always paid in the functional currency of the employee's home company (specified via organization codes).

If the payment currency is different from the transaction currency, you can use this field to override the rate used for a single line item.

Suppress Bill Select this check box to suppress billing on an expense. The amount on each detail line is costed to the general ledger only (and does not become a billable transaction). If you select this option, then the expense does not flow through to the Billing application.

Display Fields

The fields below the employee expenses grid display information from the grid row that you currently have selected. The fields are: Project, Phase, Task, Client, Account, Originating Vendor (if you selected the Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and AP Vouchers check box on the Tax Auditing tab), Currency (if you use multiple currencies), Exchange Override (if you use multiple currencies), Amount Advanced, and Total Due.

Field Description
Amount Advanced

Enter the amount of money that your company gave to the employee in advance of incurring the expenses.

If you use multiple currencies, employee expenses are paid in the functional currency of the employee's home company (specified via organization codes).

Total Due

This field displays the total monetary amount that the enterprise owes the employee for the expenses included on the expense report.

This amount is calculated by adding all the expense items on the expense report and then subtracting the amount of any advances and/or company paid items. If the advanced amount exceeds the total expenses amount, the total due will be a negative amount.

The total amount of all the expense items in the employee expenses grid is displayed on the Totals bar below the Payment Amount column in the grid.

If you use multiple currencies, employee expenses are paid in the functional currency of the employee's home company (specified via organization codes).