Contents of the Invoices Form

After you open an invoices transaction file, the fields that display in the header fields at the top of the form apply to the entire transaction. The grid fields represent individual transaction line items.

Header Fields

Field Description

For invoices generated through Interactive or Batch Billing, the invoice number is generated through Billing and should not be modified. Use the Search field to search for the invoice that you want.

For manual invoices, enter the invoice number for this invoice. If you enter fewer than seven characters, DPS adds leading zeros to the number you entered.

Date Specify the date for this transaction. If you modify an invoice, this field prefills with the current date, which you can change. The date in this field can affect the aging of the invoice, depending on the report aging options that you choose. If you do not want to affect the original invoice date, use the original invoice date in this field.
Due Date

Enter the date when the invoice is due for payment. If you do not enter a date in this field, the Due Date field is removed from the invoice.

If you modify an invoice, you can select a new due date in this field. If you leave this field blank, the due date of the original invoice is removed. If you do not want to affect the original due date for an invoice, enter the due date of the original invoice in this field.

Comment Enter comments about the invoice.
Diary This field displays only if you have set up a diary for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Use this field to select a diary code for the current transaction or the group of transactions if you are processing a group of transactions, such as in a vendor payment run. The diaries are used to generate diary reports that contain a set of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or to specific fiscal periods. You can assign different diaries (that have different diary types) to different types of transactions.

The Diary drop-down list contains three columns. The first column displays the diary code. The second and third columns display the diary type for the diary code and the description of the diary type.

The drop-down list contains all the diaries that you set up on the Diary Auto Numbering Options section in Transactions Settings that have the same fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions or that have no fiscal period or year entered for them.

If you have multiple companies in DPS, the Diary field drop-down list includes only the diary codes that are set up for the current company. The list also includes IC - Intercompany Diary to capture intercompany transactions.

You cannot delete a transaction after it has been saved with a diary number. If a transaction is incorrect, you can enter zero amounts for the transaction or enter a reversing transaction.

Diary Number This field prefills with an auto-generated number when you save a transaction. The diary numbers tie the specific transactions to debit and credit entries that are posted to the general ledger for the purpose of producing diary reports. The auto numbering ensures that the diary numbers are sequential, based on the order that transactions are posted.

The next number to use for a diary is specified in the Next Diary Number field in the Diaries grid, in the Diary Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Project For invoices generated through Interactive or Batch Billing, this field displays the project number from the invoice. For an invoice record that you are creating, you enter the project number.
Phase For invoices generated through Interactive or Batch Billing, this field displays the phase number from the invoice. For an invoice record that you are creating, you enter the phase number.
Task For invoices generated through Interactive or Batch Billing, this field displays the task number from the invoice. For an invoice record that you are creating, you enter the task number.
Status This field displays the current status of the transaction file.
Approved By If the transaction file has been approved, this field displays the approver's name.

Grid Fields

Warning: When you open a transaction file for invoices or credit memos that were created in Interactive Billing, any changes that you make to amounts or accounts for these invoices or credit memos in the Transaction Center are not updated on the Invoices on File dialog box in Interactive Billing or in Project Review.
Field Description
Invoice Section Select the invoice section, such as Labor or Expense, in which the charges that you enter will display. For each invoice section, you can enter an account, amount, and retainage amount.
Tax Code This field displays only if the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box is selected on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

The Tax Code field is enabled only after you select Tax in the Invoice Section field for a row in the grid.

The tax code in this field is used to calculate a tax amount for an invoice. You can enter as many tax invoice sections in the grid as needed to calculate the various taxes for an invoice.

The Tax Code field prefills with the default tax code that was entered on the New File dialog box. You can change the tax code for the transaction.

The tax codes that display in the drop-down list are set up in Taxes Settings as output taxes. This means that one of the check boxes in the Outputs section of the Tax Codes tab in Settings > Accounting > Taxes is selected.

Account DPS automatically enters the revenue credit account specified for the invoice section. You can select a different account.
Amount Enter the amount of the transaction line or detail line. This amount will be charged to the project, task, and account combination you enter for the transaction line item.
Retainage Use this field to enter an invoice's retainage information. Retainage is a percentage of billings contractually withheld on the invoice, which will be billed to the client upon the project’s completion. This field is visible if the Enable Retainage option is enabled in Settings.
Tax Basis The tax basis amount is automatically calculated from the tax code's rate. You can enter a different tax basis.
Retainer Select this check box if the line item is a retainer amount. A retainer is an advance amount collected from a client prior to work beginning on a project. The amount of the retainer is typically stipulated in the client's contract.
Credit Memo Number If Billing is activated, this field displays a credit memo number when a row is a credit memo that was entered in Interactive Billing. You cannot change the credit memo number. However, you can change other credit memo information, such as the amount, and general ledger account.
Link Project If you use multiple companies, you can use detailed subledgers with Intercompany Billing to generate intercompany invoices. On the Transaction Entry form, intercompany invoices are labeled as having been created by Intercompany Billing. File names for intercompany invoices follow the format:

ICBill Invoice date company

When you open the intercompany invoice file you can also see the identifier for the link project, the dormant project used specifically to facilitate the intercompany billing transaction.

Link Phase For an intercompany invoice, this is the identifier for the link phase, the dormant phase used specifically to facilitate the intercompany billing transaction.
Link Task For an intercompany invoice, this is the identifier for the link phase, the dormant phase used specifically to facilitate the intercompany billing transaction.