Credit Card Information on Transaction List Reports

If you use the Credit Card feature, the Expense Report Transaction List and AP Disbursements Transaction List contain credit card information instead of bank code information when an expense item is associated with a credit card.

Expense Report Transaction List Report

When an expense report item is associated with a credit card:
  • The secondary credit card code displays in the Company Paid column on the report. When a credit card is not associated with an expense item, the Company Paid column displays either Y or N.
  • When the totals include amounts that have different currencies (the credit card currency is different than the employee's functional currency), #### displays for the Total Expenses and Company Paid amounts. The report total is in the employee's functional currency (the currency in which the employee will be paid).

AP Disbursements Transaction List Report

When an AP disbursement item is associated with a credit card, the secondary credit card code and the transaction ID from the credit card statement (if you import transaction IDs) display on the report.